How your balance is as medical Director of the clinic for sexually transmitted diseases after a year: we Are not informed well enough?
Michael: no, we have always customers are very well informed about the different test options. It shows, but in conversation often that many know very little about the feared venereal disease. In such a case, expert advice is always the best Option.
Kiyoshi Sugimoto: if you look at the statistics, the infections with HIV are on the decline, the number of Syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydial diseases is increasing, however. An advice centre for sexually transmitted diseases, therefore, is certainly useful.

How many customers have used the new service since the launch in September 2018?
strife: so Far have around 400 people with us to test. Specifically, we have carried out 359 HIV-testing, 211 Syphilis and the 202 gonorrhea and chlamydia Tests.
Sugimoto: The demand is increasing, because more and more people are aware of the counseling center. The customers appreciate our range because it is anonymous. Unlike the doctor, you need not expect us to meet in the waiting room Known. So we lower the threshold such advice at all to visit.

there Are seasonal fluctuations? Times in which many people come to you?
Sugimoto: Figures are not available after a year is still enough. Other office hours I know, however, that there are the festive is usually an increase in the number of requests to possible infection with sexually transmitted diseases.

what questions people come to you?
strife: , There are mainly 20 – to 30-Year-old, and the majority of men who seek our advice. For example, a man who was at a stag night for the first Time in the brothel and now I Worry about whether he has captured something. Or someone who suddenly has a strange discharge on the Penis firmly and know what it could be. Often there are also pairs that are fresh and before the first unprotected Sex not want to go, that you are HIV positive.

Why come in the majority of men for advice?
strife: men are generally more willing to take risks – not only during Sex. But now this is just a guess.

What do you understand under high-risk situations?
strife: Unprotected sex with a Person you don’t know or don’t know if you had other unprotected Sex. There is a greater risk of infection with sexually transmitted diseases-especially men who have Sex with men.

How often should you can because on sexually transmitted diseases testing?
Sugimoto: Who lives in a solid relationship and regularly changing sexual partners, one should certainly once or twice per year Tests to undergo.

Even if you have protected intercourse?
Sugimoto: Yes. Before HIV you can protect yourself with a condom. Against genital herpes, for example, a rubber use is, however, hardly anything, and also unprotected oral sex you can infect yourself with a disease – for example, with Syphilis, chlamydia or gonococcus.

Sounds almost like HIV has the smallest Evil.
Sugimoto: In a certain way, you can see the fact. The HIV epidemic for a long time in the focus. Tests on chlamydia or other sexually transmitted pathogens have been done a lot less often. So could spread these diseases.
strife: A hundred % safety against sexually transmitted diseases, there is not. But if you are testing early, it is a rapid treatment possible, also in the case of other sexual partners. So the spread can be curtailed.

What happens if you can’t regularly test?
strife: If someone’s partner has regularly changing sex, any not early diagnosed sexually transmitted infection represents a risk of Transmission. The infected Person may be symptom-free, but it can solve also Burning during urination or abdominal pain. Both women and men certain unrecognized infections can lead to sterility if fallopian tubes or the VAS deferens through a chronic inflammation of the impermeable. Also an undetected Syphilis infection can progress and lead to in the course of end-organ damage, including impairment of brain and nerve functions, as well as of the cardiovascular system.

when should you to the doctor?
strife: If you discovered ulcers in the genital area – depending on sexual practice, in the mouth, throat, or rectum, an unusual discharge, fever, skin rashes or swollen lymph nodes notes, or if it itches and burns to the water. The best time for testing depends on the incubation period of the particular disease, i.e. the period between infection and detectability of the Transmission. HIV infection can be shot, for example, at the earliest after six weeks, sure exclusive.

the sexually transmitted diseases that you can prove with Tests that Are treatable?
Sugimoto: This is quite different. HIV infection is controlled with current treatment options, although good, but still not curable. In contrast, gonococcal, chlamydia, and Syphilis can be infections is usually by proper anti biotic treatments for the healing bring. Longer existing infections, but irreversible damage can occur, so that, for example, a sterility remains. For this reason alone, it is important to look after a high-risk situation counselling and testing.

In the public consultation for sexually transmitted infections (STI) at the cantonal hospital Winterthur the possibility of HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, Herpes and genital warts testing is. The consultation is anonymous, a login is required. If necessary, a medical consultation is possible.

Created: 28.10.2019, 10:43 PM