The Berlin-based Left wants to expropriate the people’s decision, “Deutsche Wohnen & Co – speculation,” in support of combat and “active” in the work of the Alliance. “We have respect for this project from the middle of the society”, said the Chairwoman Katina Schubert. Such a request will probably be adopted at the Convention of the Left at the weekend in Berlin-Adlershof.

The Initiative relied on article 15 of the basic law, according to which the land can be transferred by socialization in the common good. Schubert emphasizes the word socialization. It would not expropriate, but large landlords, such as Deutsche Wohnen, Arkelius, ADO, or Vonovia, with more than 3000 apartments in the portfolio, to compensate. For two-digit billion sums were due.

This request is a vote of 29 applications and a plurality of urgent requests, the 184 delegates at the weekend. The theme of the General debate on Saturday, the city in solidarity policy. The Left are calling for a “significant expansion of capacity” in public TRANSPORT, and to ensure that also the outer districts such as Spandau is to be better connected. Due to the new construction projects and the planned Siemens city 4.0 will be more than 12,000 homes and at least 20,000 people to Spandau. The Left want to build a tram network and the S – and U-Bahn to expand.

The 20-member national Board of Directors is elected at the weekend. Katina Schubert as Chairman for re-election. So far, there are no other applicants for the Position. As Deputy to Sandra Brunner, Tobias Schulze and Pascal Meiser. Sebastian Koch is running again as the country managing Director.
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