The EU and the UK have, for the time being averted a hard Brexit. However, in London the Prime Minister May have to advertise more for the exit contract. Even a postponement of deferment is not excluded.

The European Union has given the UK more time: The Brexit is now 31 to. October arranged on the stage. The 27 remaining EU have agreed countries and the British Prime Minister, Theresa May. That might not be the last word.

The German EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger, holds a further displacement of the Leaving date, under certain circumstances, such as even by the end of 2020. “Everything is conceivable”, says Oettinger in Germany radio. And EU Council President Donald Tusk did not rule out entirely that there could be a further extension. The newly gained free time should not be wasted, he said. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte believes it is, however, difficult to grant a further extension of the Brexit period.

Merkel: “good night”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed the agreement. It was “a very intense, very good night”, have shown the Unity of the EU, she said.

US President Donald Trump criticized the EU for its conduct towards great Britain. “Too bad that the European Union should treat strictly with the United Kingdom and Brexit,” wrote Trump on Twitter.