Denderleeuw It goes well with Aily, the baby has a rare, massive tumor was when she was only five months old. The tumor is after the heavy chemotherapy that the girl had to endure until now not returned, despite the high risk of relapse. On the regular check-ups after leads Aily currently, the life of a normal child. She was just one year and that first anniversary they Sunday with her family.

“We hope to have a new wonder for Aily”, told Cincia Verloes and Tom Peeters from Denderleeuw, the parents of Aily, in september. They already had a lot of fears to face. On 13 June last year there was a rare tumor discovered on their daughter. The rhabdoid tumor mat up to 9 to 8 to 5 inches, a massakwab on her diaphragm, lungs and heart lay, and her trachea had completely pushed away. The doctors had little hope, but Aily survived the surgery, in which 90 percent of the tumor could be removed. Then got the girl a heavy chemotherapy treatment has. Before that she had also been two hartstilstanden had: one before and one after the surgery.

When we left the family in december again spoke, were the heavy chemotherapy behind it and was Aily back home. Yet he was still afraid to wait for Cincia and Tom: there was indeed a large chance that the tumor would come back. Moreover, there was Aily much in need of care. So the girl had a tracheacanule who regularly had to be replaced and cleaned, because Aily breathed along a hole through her throat. “The cannula is in the meantime removed,” says Cincia. “Also, the tube feeding through a tube in the nose is gone. Recently, Aily independently begin to eat. In april, she must have another surgery to get the hole in her throat, where the cannula was, again, close, but before that she needs but a night’s stay in the hospital. She also gets weekly counselling. So is she, for example, not more just to swallow. They can also be not more of a papfles drink because they zuigreflex not more, and drink now from special neusuitsparingsbekers.”

in order To six weeks of control

Tom and Cincia had in January for the first time back in control after the chemo and got good news: the tumor was not returned. That chance was however real. “She now goes every six weeks under the scanner to check that the tumour is not back. The first two years and continues to be a risk. Normally every three months a scan done, but since Aily, at only five months old already such a big tumor, they may be more in control. First the doctors said that there is a relapse, no hope anymore, but now the situation not yet hopeless, and they would in that case still operate and back, to chemo to boot. But then the tumor is not too large, hence the frequent checks. Once per year there is also checked or the chemo without damage. That can to her for eighteen years, have consequences. Furthermore, they will get two times ademhalingskinesitherapie, because they are as long as ventilation has been.”


Aily was Wednesday one year old. “Six months ago, nobody had ever thought that this moment would live to see. It is and remains a miracle. The doctors understand themselves not how to Aily has been able to survive and were surprised ourselves. They had her at a certain time, but one percent chance of survival. We are very happy, still every six weeks of stressing, if they back need to control. We keep Sunday a family for her first birthday to celebrate. Which of course we can’t just let them pass.”