Earlier in the month could Extra Magazine tell the story of a 51-year-old briton, which the defendant airline British Airways, because he had to sit next to an obese man on a flight from Bangkok to London back in 2016.

the Briton by the name of Stephen Prosser claimed that he had been a back – and bækkenskade, because he was allegedly ‘crushed up by the window’ of the robust seatmate, who reportedly ‘ran across’ Prossers seat.

on Thursday, the 51-year-old so meeting up in court to defend its right to compensation for his sufferings at the 12 hours long flight two years ago, but here was not much help to be had from the judge by the name of Andrew Barcello, who believed that Stephen Prosser commons event, and instead just should have taken hold of the crew to get a second seat.

It writes Fox News.

– I can accept the statement that the passenger in the seat 37J was a big man – both in the sense that he was high, wide bar and an unmistakable body weight -, and it is likely that there were moments where the man’s size was trouble for hr. Prosser, said the judge in court.

– But I can’t accept the assertion that the man’s size was so big trouble, to hr. Prosser had to sit in an awkward position during the entire journey, continued the judge.

See also: Kayla was bullied by the flight attendant: Now she has lost 31 pounds

Stephen Prosser had argued that the airline’s ranking of him next to the overweight man, who he estimated to be approximately 193 centimetres tall and weighed 136 pounds, was the direct cause of his back – and bækkenskade, which, inter alia, that Stephen Prosser could not work full time in three months, and that he in two years has been the need to go to a chiropractor.

Stephen Prosser therefore demanded 10,000 pounds in compensation, which is equivalent to the right button of 85,000 Danish kroner.

Stephen Prosser claimed in court that the reason why he is not italesatte the problem on the plane, was, that he would not get the overweight man to feel uncomfortable.

British Airways has previously refused to comment on the case, before judgment had fallen. A spokesman from the airline said Thursday that they were satisfied with the judge’s decision.

See also: Man sues airline: Was ‘squashed’ by obese seatmate