We are rocking a child, my good friend Alexander and me. The kids call him ”Gugge” and he is their best friend.
and the oscillating morgonstunden gives thoughts free reign. The jumps in time, into another windy spring. My eager tonårshjärna who always wanted to discuss, debate. Sharpen the political arguments. When no one had time to argue, then I thoughts to myself. The death penalty? No. Free abortion? Of course. Would same-sex couples to adopt children?
More speed. My daughter leans back in the swing, gazing fascinated after birds, branches, and planes. And the shame, touch, heat, spreading in my body. I remember that I not only thought, but truly thought that it was doubtful. ”A child needs well nevertheless both a mom and a dad?”, had anyone said. And I had thought: ”Yes, it probably is.”
She fried pancakes for the kids, had time to pick away all the toys, put into the son Bamse-shirt in the wash. They hear her and run glädjevrålande in with his shoes on. Rosy cheeks, breath, happiness in his eyes. They throw themselves into her arms: ”Maaaaammaaaaaa!”
Alexandra Urisman Otto is a reporter at the DN and grateful to debattklimatet during childhood allowed her to start a review and end in another. Read also her chronicle of the joy of to detoxify from social media.