Franziska Roth is not the Only one: Shortly after the party of Aargau state councillor, is known outlet now that Maximilian Reimann breaks, in fact, with the SVP Aargau. “I’m going up to the Federal elections, the party membership in the Canton Aargau in the strike,” writes the national Council, in an E-Mail to several SVP politicians, present this newspaper.

The trigger for Reimann’s announcement of the upcoming Federal elections. Reimann is 32 years of uninterrupted National or Council of States. Thus, he is (according to SP-councillor Paul Rechsteiner), the second-longest serving Federal politician at all. Nevertheless, he wants to compete in October as a 77-Year-old again.

In the SVP Aargau Reimann is true, however, since years overdue. In 2017, the cantonal Board of Directors has increased the hurdles for long-time politicians like him: After 16 years in office it needs for re-nomination to a new two-thirds majority at the party Congress. This procedure was “arbitrary”, criticized Reimann, therefore, he waived the re-candidacy for the SVP – but not to stand as a candidate at all.

Now, Reimann has formed with five other candidates a choice list named Team of 65+. He, therefore, join in the walkout at SVP events. “Otherwise, it means that I run the election campaign-espionage.”

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For the SVP Aargau Reimann’s secession will only exacerbate the problems she has already. In 2015, she won a seventh seat (16), but only just. In the light of their Switzerland of weakness, it is wide for you anyway difficult or unlikely to defend all seven seats.

The Team is 65+, it is likely to cost now more important votes, because the list is not without a chance: Reimann itself is older voters, a popularity bonus as a former TV announcer. In Aargau, he has always achieved good election results. In the vote hunting, the prominent pastor Claudia helps him as a Mitkandidatin also Bandixen, the Director of Mission 21, and Ex-President of the Aargau Church.

Officially, the SVP responds left. Whether the Team 65 take+ your votes will depend on the connections List, says SVP party Secretary Pascal Furer. However, Reimann and his comrades-in-arms from close a connection with the SVP or any other individual party already categorically. Question of an Alliance with several bourgeois parties to come, at best. Thus, Reimann’s votes could come at the end of the FDP or CVP, and not the SVP.

he Remains an SVP member?

SVP-politicians find so little friendly words about Reimann’s special: He is acting anti-democratically, because he had not made the decision of the party tags. “If a party introduces arbitrarily an age guillotine, she must expect that the older generation do not have to make,” says Reimann. The Team of 65+ is not a competitor to anyone. Rather, it is a set up for the “neglected senior year courses”. In a people’s chamber, the people had to be shown also age.

As membership after the elections, with its SVP, Reimann open. In view of the conflict to the Executive Council in Roth, he was at least not unhappy, not currently in SVP-meetings go, Reimann. The cantonal President for Roth’s have apologized to the Nomination, “I have no understanding”.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 25.04.2019, 09:37 PM