Finally came the long-awaited encounter to be able to set up a Meeting, the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban single-mindedly hung had been working on. The Nationalist and advocate of a “illiberal democracy” speech on Monday at the White house with Donald Trump , a spirit of relatives of politicians. Like Orban, an American, is understood as a Nationalist, as his visitors, he also flirts with a white Christian identity politics.

The affinity of the Two ranges from the defense of migrants, weakening of democratic institutions up to the contempt of a free media. Orban was “someone who has observed the Trump,” says trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon. And, apparently, the President of the U.S. the envy of the Hungary to the hardly contested by stabbing. “I know the President since the 25 or even 30 years and can tell you that he would have had Viktor Orban’s Situation, I’d love it”, revealed to David Cornstein, the U.S. Ambassador in Budapest and a friend of trump’s, last week, the web portal of The Atlantic.

The US President like Orban’s “Situation” to impress, as far as the Hungarian guest, but it will bring hardly: the rejection is Too strong at home against conditions such as in Budapest. Orban, in turn, had from the beginning no doubt that he hoped to find in Trump a like-minded person.

Orban’s policy in the United States for anxiety

in 2016, he said as the first head of government of a European country for the Republican candidate, he repeatedly praised ever since Donald Trump. If the US President, “America First” say, think he is “as much as we do,” explained Orban in a speech in 2017. “We say, ‘Hungary’, and then the Rest,” said the Premier.

Nevertheless, Orban felt in Washington, some against the wind. His attacks on Hungary’s democratic institutions, its anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and, above all, his growing proximity to China and Russia in Congress as well as U.S. diplomats for anxiety. In a letter to Trump, in the past week, senators from both parties in Hungary defendants “anti-democratic downwards spiral and the implications for U.S. interests in Central Europe”.

Trumps of admiration for the autocrat

the signatories, James Risch (Montana), the Republican Chairman of the foreign policy Committee, was one of. The senators urged Trump in your letter, “these matters at the Meeting with the Prime Minister to raise”. If the host did this, is of course uncertain: Orban is one of a growing band of autocrats and autocratic-Minded, the Trump admired fervently.

Whether Rodrigo Duterte in Manila, Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Cairo and Muhammad bin Salman in Riyadh: us President has hardly anything to them, and their violations of human rights to suspend. Even the Venezuelan Nicolas Maduro, wants to get rid of the Trump, with a nod to the Präsiddent respect: The man in Caracas is a tough nut to crack “is”, Trump said the other day.

And on the same day, as Viktor Orban’s planned visit to Washington was announced, snubbed US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, the German government, he cancelled a planned visit to Berlin at short notice. The process reflected the political preferences of the US President. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 13.05.2019, 19:22 PM