A police officer from St. Louis, in the U.s. state of Missouri, prosecuted for the killing of a fellow agent. A bizarre game of Russian roulette ran last week is particularly tragic.

Agent Nathaniel Hendren (29), in function at that time, and Katlyn Alix (24) (not to work) stopped Wednesday night at the home of Hendren in the south of the city, together with his partner. Hendren and Alix decided to while away the time with a “game”, it appears from court documents.

also Read “It looks like Benny Hill”: three agents try aggressive troublemaker to be overpowered, but that does not run smoothly cycle

Hendren removed all the bullets from a revolver, for one. As to rotate with that cylinder, and go. In turn, he and Alix the weapon to each other and they took the tractor over. Russian roulette, as it is called. the

Hendren began gently. He picked up the weapon, and lifted it away from Alix and pulled the trigger. Nothing. They picked up the weapon and lifted it to him. Click. Again nothing. Hendren took the revolver again and focused on Alix. Click. A shot. Récht in her chest.


The third agent had at that time all of the place deleted, according to a politieverklaring. “Don’t play with weapons. You are the agents”, he had said, for he the room walked out. And when that bang. The agent walked back to his two colleagues, and took Alix with a schotwonde in the chest. The male agents rushed the young woman to the hospital in their police car, but it succumbed them not much later to her injuries.

“Nothing for her”

“This is a terrible incident for the spouse, parents and family of Katlyn Alix, and for our entire community,” says attorney Kim Gardner in a statement. “From everything I hear about this smart, young woman reveals that she’s the politiedepartement on a honorable way represented and that they have a good future ahead of me.”

according to Scott Rosenblum, attorney for her parents, it was “good for her” to be reckless with weapons to play. “There are still many unanswered questions about what happened here”, sounds the. Alix was already two years police officer, and before that she was in the army.