Marisa Harris was with her boyfriend Perry Muth on the road in the U.s. state of Virginia. A boy (12) jump of the bridge just when the torque is below drove. They could be the teenager has no way to dodge. He crashed through the roof of the car and came on Marisa. The young woman was killed while the boy survived. This is the story of Marisa and the boy on the bridge.

We write October 2017. Every Saturday brought the graduate Marisa and Perry to be together, and that was also on that fateful day in October. Also the boy on the bridge had to go to school. He lived on fifteen-minute increments of the bridge.

What him to lead, would always remain a mystery for Marisa’s family, even after the police her conclusions had been formulated. There was no fence at the piece of the bridge where they had stepped. There was only a guardrail. Nothing could stop the boy to be about to climb. There was nothing to prevent him to jump, just when Marisa and her friend there along reason.


The parents of Marisa were called by a desperate Perry. He could not explain what had happened. They were on the highway driving their SUV (with sunroof) and were just about to get under an overpass to ride when disaster struck. It felt to Perry as if he were with his eyes had times , in a fraction of a second everything was different. Hell was broken loose.

The roof was partly collapsed, the windscreen was cracked, the upper half of the wheel was broken and there was glass. Where Marisa had to sit on the most comfortable was a boy covered with blood. The police would later come to the conclusion that he committed suicide did try to commit. Now he watched terrified to Perry. And Perry, for his part, realized suddenly that Marisa under the boy lay. Her eyes were closed. He tried to wake up. But there was no response.

90 km/h

The vehicle at the time of the accident about 90 kilometers per hour reed, meanwhile, was still on Interstate 66 to the chug. “I tried one of her feet on the brake”, he recalled later. “Then I thought, okay this is not working, so I took the wheel and rammed the car into a fence along the side of the road.”

Then it happened all very quickly. Perry could out of the car to climb and begged other drivers to help. A firefighter led him to an ambulance.

In the hospital was the 12-year-old boy cared for on the pitch. He had life-threatening injuries. His family would soon discover how to get those injuries had come. Behind another door begged Perry, who in one way or another, unscathed from the accident, a police officer for information about Marisa. “What’s happening? Is she okay?” he asked. “Just tell me that she was still breathing. Just tell me something.”