the Hunt for the perfect photo is an eternal struggle for many users on Instagram, and in the beautiful pastel-coloured Paris-Rue Crémieux brands for the seriousness of the consequences of it. The inhabitants are now become so tired of people who sit on trappestenene, noisy and talking, while trying to embed the street’s beauty in a picture, that the residents want the authorities to close the street.

It tells the Evening Standard.

the Rue Crémieux is a small, narrow street only for pedestrians, and the street are among the most colourful in Paris, why the is a favorite wallpaper of all sorts of Instagramfotografer.

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La rue Crémieux, a grand-angle. @arsenyl #parissecret #ruecrémieux #igparis #discover

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the Media tells that the residents will have gates installed at each end of the street, so the street is only open to the public during the daytime on weekdays.

– In the course of the week is not so bad, since it’s just tourists, and they are not so disturbing. But on weekends, there are 200 people outside our window. We sit and eat at the table, and people are just outside and take pictures, says the vice-president, gadeforeningen to Franceinfo, according to the Evening Standard.

A quick look on Instagram shows that there are several thousand lookups, which are geotagged on Rue Crémieux, Paris. At the same time, there is also several thousand postings on the hashtagget #ruecrémieux.

According to the residents originate the problems especially from the fotoglade guests staying a long time in the narrow cobbled street, sitting on the trappestenene, hold something similar on photo shoots, have high conversations and recording videos on their phones.