The employees are strongly marked. We have tried to follow up on a best possible way. There have been conversations with the company health services and kriseteamet to the municipality of Bergen to the present. We are undergoing an important process. People notice this is very different, ” says Ove-Christian Fredriksen in Akasia.

He is the managing director of the organization that owns the nursery where a one-year-old boy on Thursday was found unconscious, hanging fixed in a strap in barnevogna.

Friday selected the nursery to remain closed in order to take care of the employees.

– We chose to close because of the employees, not the police work on the spot. This is a calamity that hits us very hard, and we have never experienced anything similar in the past. Our thoughts go to the parents and relatives, ” says Fredriksen for the Newspaper.

parental Support

the Boy who was found unconscious is still admitted to the Haukeland university hospital. It is currently not known how long the shenzhen stuck with the strap around the neck. The condition is characterised as critical.

Police have questioned staff and performs technical investigations of the site, including the cart boy must have fallen out of the. This should have been indoors, when the accident happened.

ACCIDENT: year-long to have been stuck with the strap around the neck after the accident in Akasia-kindergarten. Photo: Marit Hommedal / NTB scanpix Show more

According to Fredriksen, it was Thursday normal staffing of 20 employees on the job. The last few days, there have been a number of inquiries from parents who also have children in the nursery.

– We follow them up with information and is available for questions. Until now we have only gotten a lot of great støttemeldinger. We have also had contact with the parents of the injured boy, says the managing director.

Undergoing all the procedures

About 100 children are daily visit to the nursery on the Paradise in Bergen. The organization operates a total of 18 kindergartens in the city – everything from the smaller nurseries to large with almost 200 children.

the Work to review the routines are already set in motion. Fredriksen does not hide the fact that Monday is a special day for the employees.

When we have gotten out all the details of the event, so we will see if there are changes that should be made. We have not found anything in particular, but we keep the conversations about the routines around sleeping. It is important that we continuously focus on having it as safely as possible in the nursery, ” says Fredriksen.

Boy (1) to the hospital after accident in kindergarten: – A serious matter