Almeria’s National Police has arrested the perpetrator of the sexual assault on a young girl that occurred January 1, 2020. On January 1, 2020, a man approached a young girl as she was about to enter her home’s portal. The victim suffered severe injuries from a vicious assault on her sexual partner and multiple beatings.

After three days of searching the house, the detainee was found. He was then taken into custody.

The Provincial Police Station of Almeria received these facts and activated the protocol against sexual assaults. They then began the investigation to find, locate, and arrest the accused. DNA samples were taken after the suspect was arrested for another sexual abuse act.

These DNA samples were compared to those taken the day before the assault. Then, the search began for the person responsible. The report confirmed that the January 1 attack was not coincidental. It also revealed a second sexual assault in Loja (Granada).

After receiving this information, immediate and urgent actions were taken to find the suspect. This person was found in Ventas de Zafarraya, Granada. Agents from the Family and Women’s Care Unit of this Police Station were able to move into this area.

The Court of Instruction number DOS of Loja placed the detainee at its disposal. He was accused of two counts of sexual assault and one of serious injuries.
