Nick Ayers for John Kelly? US President, Trump is looking for a new chief of staff for the White house. The 36-year-old Ayers is considered to be trump’s favorite, he has been the chief of staff of Vice-President Mike Pence. But Ayers wants to move in the summer to Georgia. His colleagues in the White house, he is not particularly popular. the analysis by Thorsten Denkler, New York Thorsten Denkler

Thorsten Denkler, Born in 1971, is, and since March of 2017, political, US correspondent in New York. He was since 2001 with a media crisis-related interruptions for as a parliamentary correspondent in Berlin. As a student he wrote for the münstersche newspaper in his home town of Steinfurt. Has Volontiert the taz, the daily newspaper in Bonn, and Berlin. After that, he worked for the Frankfurter Rundschau, Financial Times Deutschland and Süddeutsche Zeitung.

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John Kelly was so unhappy in his Job, that he must find it as a very big Christmas gift, to be able to finally go. Kelly the chief of staff of US President Donald Trump in the White house. And so actually, it is the responsibility of the White house, no Chaos breaks out. For this it has deducted Trump in July 2017 from his Post as Secretary of Homeland security and the White house added. As the successor to the overmatched Reince Priebus. Kelly has to keep it a little longer. But basically the air was just a few months out. All of his Attempts to establish something like discipline, failed. What was due not least to the chaotic management style of the Trump.

The highly decorated retired Marine General Kelly believed that decisions should be made on the basis of facts. Because Trump reads but obviously no files and for Details not interested in, Kelly let him templates, customize, and illustrate it with as many people as possible, easy-to-understand images and graphics to the respective location. Kelly has also tried to regulate the access to Trump. Not every speaker should just be able to get to the Oval Office towers. And not every consultant, Trumps daughter Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner are included, both of which work in the White house.

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Kelly has failed. He had to find that Trump into chops rather to his Smartphone to tweet, TV Shows such as “Fox and Friends” look or advice from TV Einpeitschern such as the Fox News moderators and Trump admirer of Sean Hannity brings, as the strict Regime of Kelly. Trump is leaving anyway, mainly to his gut feeling when it comes to cases, decisions, as he explained in a recent Interview. Not infrequently, he is excreted, then the law limits.

in the spring of fired Ex-foreign Minister, Rex Tillerson said this week at a panel discussion, he did not need to admonish Trump constantly to make certain decisions, because this would violate the law. The most recent example: Trump has changed by a decree of the asylum procedures so that refugees can only apply to ordinary border crossings, asylum. In the meantime, courts have conceded the decree. It is not believed that Kelly was there signs of resistance to recognize. He has probably resigned.

The rumors that Kelly would not be long in office, through keeping yourself for the whole year. Apparently, but Trump wanted to have his chief of staff before the Midterm elections. After the Midterms, it is quite common that the President of rebuild your Cabinet solid. The decisions are then less vulnerable to attack.

it has already Met the day after the election at the beginning of November justice Minister Jeff Sessions. At the end of the year, the UN will cease to be Ambassador Nikki Haley. This Saturday, Betgaranti then Trumps concise verbal announcement in front of reporters that Kelly is also the end of the year. Perhaps in the future with his homeland security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will need to leave your office, it is regarded as a close Confidante of Kelly’s.

Nick Ayers is considered to be a favourite on the Kelly-succession

The successor to Kelly’s Trump in the next two days. As a favorite of the 36-year-old Nick Ayers, previously chief of staff to Vice-President Mike Pence. Trump should have the Job a few weeks ago at the party in the White house offered. However, the thing has a hook: Ayers wants to do the Job only on a transitional basis. He plans to drag the beginning of the summer with his family back to Georgia. Trump wants him to change his mind. The two don’t go together, yet various other names in the game: the Minister of Finance of Steve Mnuchin, his loyal Budget Director Mick Mulvaney or the former trade representative Robert Lighthizer.

Ayers are said to have no longer ambitions, to want Kelly to succeed. He is considered the “golden boy”, as a winner-type, smart, handsome, as cast for the Job of the young, power-hungry upstart in the White house. In addition, he is amazingly rich. Between 12.2 and 54.8 million dollars he is supposed to have on the high edge. He deserves the money, especially as owner of political consulting firm. He practically lives out of the Washington swamp, the Trump regularly promises to dry up. Most recently, he has made the rather schnarchigen Republican Governor’s Association, a powerful and financially well-equipped election campaign-force.

Ayers’ political apprenticeship in Georgia

Ayers’ companion-piece to the totally unexpected election victory of Sonny Perdue as Governor of Georgia in 2002. Ayers has at the time, shaped barely 20, as a personal Advisor to the wax of the campaign. Since 1872, no Republican had won more Governor’s office in Georgia. With Brian Kemp in the middle of January, the third Republican Governor will be introduced in a row in the office. Ayers has advised since then, again and again, Republican politicians – mostly successfully. So his current boss Mike Pence, he has led to his recent election victory as Governor of Indiana and he is not given way since then, from the page.

Ayers should also have the support of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. But his colleagues in the White house, he is not particularly popular. To be in love. To be over-ambitious. Too young. Some of them are already threatened, if Ayers gets the Job.

His political career, however, is its big advantage over Kelly and Priebus. Both are not exactly known for thinking particularly politically. Starting in January, but things are starting to change to the power structures in Washington. In the Midterms, the Democrats have been in an unprecedented Siegesszug the house of representatives back to Robert, record of the year, the beginning of his work. Without the consent of the chamber, no new law can be adopted. The chief of staff is the one who has to try to get all sides to the table to forge political success for the President.

Possibly, but wants to forge Ayers prefer to own political. He should have interest to one day be Governor of Georgia. Therefore, the proposed move. Whether he makes these ambitions a little back, it will show soon.