the new Brexit-appointment on the 31. October puts the UK under pressure, but the European elections in may. At the election, the British people must participate if the Parliament agree to continues to refuse the discharge of the contract.
With deep rings under the eyes, and with a train of voice, German Chancellor Angela Merkel joined shortly before three p.m., in Brussels, to the microphone: The Brexit special summit to be held deep into the night – and a new virtual date came out. 31. October is now the new Brexit-Day, where the British leave the EU.
29. Of March we already had, the 12. April also. Now, the EU is launching at the end of October as a new threat. Halloween. But a scary date is 31. October not. The virtual Brexit-dates are piling up. And all of these dates have in common: they are not to be taken very seriously. Because the EU is United so far and is determined to give the British such a long time for self-discovery, until the nightmare Version of the hard-Chaos-Brexits, so a divorce without the divorce contract, is off the table.
From the peace project to the potential conflict Stifter
In the Moment the British leave without an exit agreement with the EU, would the peace-EU project to the potential conflict founder in Northern Ireland. A hard Brexit would mean automatically a new hard external border of the EU on the island of Ireland. If the would refuse to the EU, belonging to Ireland, to erect and this hard external border of the EU, then the EU should Commission the Dublin government force before the European court of justice because of the European single market and its 500 million consumers only by tight border controls against hazardous imports from third countries can be protected.
The infamous chlorine chicken and hormone-treated cattle are not only a Symbol of what threatens to be a EU-market, the after a Brexit, without the hard outer border with Northern Ireland would not be a single market.
British EU date> in the Hand <p class="text small" The British have due to the deferred Northern Ireland conflict, the EU is, therefore, dates largely in the Hand: as Long as the heads of state and government leaders agreed that a hard Brexit is a at almost any price to avoid Evil, can London build on the fact that there is also the upcoming summit in October to Not a further postponement of the already multiple-deferred exit date.
Although this re-extension of the deadline would be the end of October for the current Juncker Commission the disadvantage that they could not be more complete in their term of office, the divorce Chapter of the Brexits that British members would be involved in the choice of Juncker’s successor, and that the United Kingdom would be represented with a Commissioner during the British EU-remaining term in Brussels. But these imperfections can be get over, when a phase-to succeed this year. Particularly in view of the fact that the end of the year anyway, only majority decisions in Brussels are on the agenda – and the British nothing by the Veto can block.
The real Halloween date for London in the peaks-a result of 31. October, but the European election in may, in which the British participate, if Parliament continues to refuse, the of Theresa May, signed the exit contract to agree to. The participation in the upcoming European election is for the Pro-Brexit-British far scarier than any Halloween.
Merkel and Macron build pressure on
On Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron: the closer to the back end of the European elections in May and Jeremy Corbyn, under pressure, Tory and Labour majority still to come to an agreement on the future relationship with the EU and the Parliament in London, the easier for the existing discharge agreement.
If you now have fast movement in the London Parliament fronts, do not have to join the British in the European election, but in June, get out of the EU. Then you might be on the 31. October relaxed to celebrate Halloween.
agreement at the EU summit: Brexit at the end of October, the scenarios shifted to the Brexit: What options for the EU? the news Atlas |Belgium |Brussels