“Analysts: France to play twice in Libya”

“The internationally recognised the unity government in Libya attack France for duplicity and to support the warlord Khalifa Haftar who attack government forces in the capital, Tripoli.”

“Analysts believe that France says one thing in public but doing something else in reality.”

“the government of national unity (GNA) minister of interior affairs Fathi Bach Agha accused in last week’s Paris to support the”

“But analysts are of the opinion that France sees Haftar and his Libyan national army (LNA) as a potentially stabilising factor in a country torn apart by conflict.”

“– Then in 2016 have GNA not made any progress when it comes to the problems it would deal with first, that is to say, to break the milisernas skruvstädsgrepp of Tripoli, take control of extremism and stop the libyan economy free-falls, says the american former diplomat Ethan Chorin.”

“Barrier against the jihadists”

“Haftar, on the other hand, has shown that he can create order out of chaos – but with a high price for freedom of expression and human rights, continues Chorin.”

“Khalifa Haftar is seen by their open allies, including Russia and Egypt, as a barrier against the jihadi extremist movements that began to grow after dictator Muammar Gaddafi’s cases in 2011.”

“When three French soldiers were killed in a underrättelseoperation 2016 forced France to admit that the country supported Haftar military in the fight against the jihadists.”

“we Now want to Paris is not open to admit any support to the hardline warlord, and even less since he released unleashed their forces against Tripoli.”

“But Libyenexperten Jalel Harchoui at the think tank Clingendael Institute in the Netherlands has its opinion clear:”

“The political and diplomatic aspects of the aid from Paris was perceived by Haftars fraction as an encouragement to start a war,” he says.”

“It is evident, according to Ethan Chorin, to countries such as France and the United arab emirates says one thing in public while they really hope that Haftar can lift Libya out of the chaos.”

” France will be delighted that Trump can suck up the diplomatic responsibility for Haftars takeover, analyst says Anas al Gomati at the think tank Sadeq institute in Tripoli.”

“Libya is divided into several parts that been controlled by different political factions.”

“Demonstrations in neighbouring Tunisia and Egypt in early 2011 triggered an armed revolt against the dictator Muammar Gaddafi. On 20 October he captured and killed in his hometown of Sirte, east of Tripoli, and a transitional government is formed.”

“After a power struggle between several groups in 2014 to form the two governments. In Tripoli, the capital, located in the western end of the country’s Mediterranean coast, is an internationally recognized government of national unity. In Tobruk, a coastal city in the east, there is another government that is supported by the field marshal and the warlord Khalifa Haftar.”

“Västmakter believe that Tripoliregeringen is the best option to curb a current chaos with terrorist and extremist islamist groupings. Tobrukregeringen get on their page of support for their cause by Egypt and several arab countries, which considers that its hårdhandskar is the best option.”

“in the Summer of 2017 was agreed by the sides in the principle of the truce. In may of last year, they agreed to hold presidential and parliamentary elections, but these have not yet been held.”

“in Parallel with the unstable situation in the country, Libya has also become a hub for the smuggling of migrants and refugees to Europe, not least from the african countries south of the Sahara.”

“this year, Khalifa Haftar and his Libyan national army (LNA) in a sweeping offensive have taken over large parts of the country and have attacked Tripoli.”

“Source: Landguidenu002FUI with multiple”