It was, perhaps not coincidentally, two of the professionals for political education, which brought the debate into the roles. Thomas Krüger, the head of the appropriate Federal Agency, said that the dominance of West German elites in the East will increasingly be perceived as “cultural colonialism”. Three decades after the reunification, many East Germans felt they were still foreign. Krügers Saxon colleague Frank Richter, a recognized “Wutbürger-Versteher”, then took the first to the evil Q-word in the mouth. Maybe this is the time to encourage East Germans in leadership positions, by means of rate, similar to rates for women.
one and a half years ago, when Kruger and the judges gave the kick-off, slowly began the discussion again soon. But now, in the 30. Year after the fall of the Berlin wall and ahead of three state elections in the East, where the right-wing populist Alternative for Germany (AfD) could triumph, she returns with a vengeance.
Less represented than women
The left party, which represents the East, one out of every five voters, brought in the Bundestag recently, an amendment calling for a quota, to represent Eastern in the authorities as appropriate. Gregor Gysi is a justified concern that the Lack of laces of East German managers in the East, discontent, and resentment trigger and distrust in democracy and the state. The AfD wants to tackle the Problem. A quota of rejects, but calls for shifting more Federal authorities in the East.
A survey has just shown that the Ostquote is quite popular, at least in the East: Exactly half of the respondents agrees with you there. In the West, only every Fourth.
are represented As bad in Eastern Germany at the tips of German politics, economy, science and culture, shows a one and a half year-old study by East German sociologists: 1.7 percent is your share – your percentage of the population is ten times as large. So blatant among women in the top management of German corporations are not represented.
No rector of a German University in East Germany, only 3 out of 336 Federal judges, only 2 out of 200 generals, only 3 out of 190 heads of large corporations. In the East, even the miss ratio is less gross, but still is striking: Only 78 of 585 judges in the East are from the East, only 28 of the 100 largest Ostunternehmen be guided by a Local, even on the lower authorities is only one of three or four levels is often. At best, the East Germans are under-represented at the top of the policy: Chancellor Angela Merkel is also East German, as the former Federal President Joachim Gauck. Also, four out of five Federal States in the East, now ruled by the “Ossis”.
where the mismatch occurs because, that’s easily explained: Because of the reunification of the GDR, de facto, the Federal Republic of Germany joined, was the replacement of the former East – West elites, politically desirable and practically unavoidable. No DDR-Richter, rector or chief administrator would have been with the new laws and requirements. So experts had to come from the West.
Even the experts but not surprised that the elite exchange over the past decades is normalized, but rather has stabilized. Sociologists explain that Western management personnel in the East tend to also be the successor from the West. East German note that had been set during the scramble for top jobs West German values: While Wessis swarmed and self-representation tended to, would keep Ossis tend to back or even hide.
The legal basis for a Ostquote supporters like Gregor Gysi, found in the German basic law: article 36 establishes that in the case of the Federal authorities officials “from all länder in appropriate proportion” has to be engaged. According to Gysi, the government and the Bundestag, violate the Constitution. After 30 years, still they cannot accept this any longer.
Very different is the well-known East German theologian Richard Schröder sees this. You could not replace qualifications through the origin. And if the TV will ask: “Who’s in control of the East?”, would anyway, “the wrong images. It suggests that East and West Germans are different ethnicities” – a view that is also rejected high German dishes already.
Who is “East German”?
The biggest Problem, however, Schröder, legally’ll hardly define who is actually the “East German”: Whoever is born in the East? East German parents? There was socialized? What is with the emigrants returning in the East? With the Wessis, the lives already 20 years in the East? This Exercise will lead “to a state of misery,” says Christian shepherd (CDU), Commissioner for Eastern Germany, the Federal government.
shepherd rejects a Ostquote also because the differences between the East and the West, cementing and Eastern peak forces than the needy “quotas-Ossis” a pejorative. Many East Germans, in contrast, a quota outright as proof of a new Self-consciousness: The Easterners wanted to take their destiny finally in its own hands.
(editing Tamedia)
Created: 27.03.2019, 19:06 PM