Some local councils prepare for the annual budget debate, as you would in a survival week: they sleep, purchase appropriate Snacks, pack dried fruits.

this is not an Exaggeration: two years Ago, for example, the advice of all the applications took a total of 27 hours, spread over three days. Legendary a meeting in 2009, which lasted until half past five o’clock in the morning the next day – longer than most night clubs have open. The prelude to this year’s debate will start today at 14 o’clock, he was ten hours later, at midnight.

In comparison to normal parliamentary discussions around the work of the individual budget items rather monotonous. Of the parties in the same representative that spoke with Council President Martin Bürki (FDP) says. “Most of the councils were not able to contribute in the run-up in the drafting of much of the debate itself. You will feel as a pure voice supplier.” In addition, the Parliamentarians are not allowed to leave the room for a long time, because every few minutes will be voted on.

Laughter against the monotony of

Despite the monotony, it comes in budget debates, always to cheerful and emotional moments. This is because the groups each go to eat at half past eight. Also alcohol is drunk. Also amusing that the reduction in applications in the municipal Council have to be very specific. Sometimes they relate to more whimsical topics.

Last year, it seemed to have the FDP after the dinner on Friday night is particularly funny. A flapsigem tone held a vote of Elisabeth Schoch caused General merriment. It’s mosquito went to tiger, the neglected ant and the question of whether the city of Zurich to spend money to stop this “mass immigration”. The link between “invasive, alien” species and a favorite topic of the SVP was before that Guy Krayenbühl (GLP).

An excerpt from the vote of Elisabeth Schoch listen here:

Later in the same meeting, the FDPler Christoph luchsinger had his contribution to a reduction in the preservation of monuments several times to interrupt, because it is the own group sourcing awards.

And so the sounded at the time:

attacks, unintentional humor can also make an accurate calculator: The current President of the audit Commission, Raphaël Tschanz (FDP), failed to keep four years ago to vote unlikely to end, because he had to constantly laugh. To debate the question of how often the curtains are to be washed in the halls of the Zurich school houses.

The laughter of the municipal Council Tschanz in the original:

The never-ending meetings, but can also cause the opposite of joy: outbursts of anger. In 2014, the former security chief Richard Wolff (AL) felt by today’s FDP President Severin Pflüger offended. This had accused Wolff after a riot at the Europe Allee weak leadership. Wolff reacted sharply: “What’s the Problem, Severin? Say it now!”, he called into the microphone (audio log). Then he stormed to the FDP faction down, where Pflügers colleagues slowed down the city Council.

The cameras from telephoto Top began Wolff’s indignation on that subject: Intermezzo during the budget debate of 2014. Video: zvg/Tele Top

Last year, the SVPler Daniel Regli caused a scandal. He used a discussion of the expenditure for education of teaching methods, to blaspheme about homosexuals. A number of speakers, including Alan David sang INES (SP), retaliated indignant and funny. The Left called Reglis resignation. This no longer occurred in the spring anyway for re-election.

Alan David sang INES explains it:

This year should be the budget debate is completed significantly faster than usual. All parties have complied with the submission of applications. 130 are received, in the past years, there were often up to 300. In addition, the parties have undertaken to limit the speaking time to a minute and a half.


Created: 12.12.2018, 13:52 PM