This is going to be difficult to read for those of you who know me, but I need you to hear my story, wrote us Andrea Sicignano (27) in a Facebook post just before christmas.

Sicignano, who originally is from New York city, had lived in Madrid for six months when a friend came to visit her.

The two had been at a flamenco show and drunk on the town. On the way home, they should have come from each other, and Sicignano had gotten on the wrong bus, which took her to the final destination in an unknown area of the city.

the Clock had four on the night. All public transport had stopped, and she sat down on a bench to find out how she would get on. There was no one near, except a man who had been on the bus. He sat down beside her and offered her help.

– Sure that he was going to kill me

What happened next is unclear to her, but she recalls that she tried to leave the place. It was then that the man started to become violent.

– I screamed and fought against with all the strength I could muster, but he beat me until I was unable to fight more. I could not scream anymore. I could barely see through the bloody eyes, she writes.

I was sure that he was going to kill me. Finally I closed my eyes and played dead, hoping that he would stop. When I finally opened them he was gone. He’s raping me.

Bruised and blinded by the darkness and all the blood in her face she got up and ran barføtt along the street, while she shouted for help. She tells us that several cars drove past before a foreign car driver stopped and phoned for an ambulance.

MAJOR INJURY: Such as Andrea out after the attack she was subjected to after a night on the town. His eyes were bloodshot and swollen, his nose was broken in four places, and she had wounds and bruises all over the body. Photo: Private / GoFundMe Show more

Well you have arrived at the hospital she was alone and terrified, but she writes that she was well taken care of, both by the hospital staff and the police.

According to the Spanish newspaper El País, the police received a review from Sicignano 9. December, and the suspected man was arrested in the Carabanchel district outside the Spanish capital three days later.

He should be an acquaintance of the police, but have no previous voldtektsdommer against him.

– never Thought that something like that could happen to me

In the Facebook post writing Sicignano that she will not let the scary incident define itself, but that it definitely will change how she lives her life.

– I never thought that something like that could happen to me. I have traveled alone for several years. I am strong, intelligent and independent. None of it means anything when you meet a man that will harm you. Please, never think that it can’t happen to you.

Groom sentenced for rape during the bachelor party

She writes that she never more will drink to the point that she lets go down the “guarden”, because she now has been aware of how common it she experienced the evening actually is. And as women, there is nothing we can do to prevent it, she writes.

the 27-åringens story is at the moment divided over 44 000 times. Two days after it was posted, she started and her family, a fundraiser for rape victims. On innsamlingsnettsiden she writes that she is overwhelmed with the response.

– I’m so overwhelmed by all the support and love that flows in from all corners of the world. A simple thank you will never be able to show how great the gratitude I have felt the last few weeks.

Melissas photos of the damage went around the world. Now she is being sued by her boyfriend