“Anger after the film on the released indian pilot”

“the Release of the captured indian pilot would be seen as a”

“the Pilot was captured by Pakistan after his plane been shot down when he chased the pakistani plan of the conflict affected area of Kashmir.”

“In a movie that was spread by the pakistani military to drink the pilot, which was released with a clear black eye, the tea and pay tribute to those who kept him imprisoned – the pakistani army, which he says saved him from an angry mob.”

“Omar Abdullah, former minister in Jammu and Kashmir region, believes that the video spots, Pakistan’s so-called”

“the Indian media has called the film tasteless, while Pakistan’s foreign ministry continues to assert that the pilot treated”

“the Conflict between India and Pakistan flared up again in connection with a självmordsdåd in Kashmir in the middle of February.”

“at Least twelve civilians have been killed on both sides of the border since Monday.”

Kashmir has been divided between India and Pakistan since the countries became independent from Britain in 1947.”

“Both India and Pakistan claim the entire territory.”

“Since 1989, a number of separatistgrupper fought against the indian soldiers in the region. Many people want to see a united Kashmir, either during the pakistani rule, or as an independent country.”

“the Conflict in Kashmir has been going on for decades, but has worsened in the past year. 2018 was the bloodiest year in a decade in Kashmir. According to the human rights organisation JKCCS killed 586 people in the area in the last year. Almost half were warring separatists, but also the 160 civilians, including 31 children, lost their lives.”

“Politicians and experts estimate that more than 500 000 soldiers, which India has stationed in the area means that 2019 does not appear to be a more peaceful year.”