Jews will be met with hostility in Germany, significantly more often than in other EU countries. A survey also shows that In many EU countries hostile to take.

In Germany, Jews often feel anti-Semitic hostility – much more often than in other EU States. In a survey conducted by the EU Agency for fundamental rights in twelve EU countries, 41 percent of respondents in Germany, to be in the past year, the victim of a harassment that was directed against them as Jews. On average, the figure was 28 percent.

In the past five years, the number was even higher at 52 percent for Germany, and in the twelve EU-countries, on average, at 39 percent. The results are based on an Online survey in may and June of this year, at around 16.400 people had participated, the Jewish-identified, 1233 from Germany.

hostile because of kippah

according to The study, 75 percent scored in Germany on Wearing Jewish symbols in Public, such as the kippah. 46 per cent avoid “certain areas”. Hostility existed according to our respondents, mostly from personal insults, and threats.

A large part of the respondents also worried about growing anti-Semitism on the Internet. Companies such as Facebook, Youtube and Instagram committed then n is a code of conduct to check as illegal hate speech reported content in less than 24 hours and delete it if necessary.

Central Council of the Jews: results need to be awake.

The present study results were “deeply worrying”, the Central Council of the Jews You and additionally also the image of the Police crime statistics. According to more than 90 percent of antisemitic crimes are motivated on the right. According to the survey, among other things, people with extreme muslimim cher setting, people from the more scene left included as well to the group of offenders, such as work or school colleagues.

more and more Jews are anti-see Semitist of attack.

Central Council President Josef Schuster has warned: “anti-Semitism, as is normally the case – this should not take Europe as a continent of enlightenment”. EU States would have to engage in much stronger.

incidents. to display

80 percent of the respondents went to such experiences, neither to the police nor to other institutions or organizations The reason is the lack of Faith is often, that would change as a result of viewing something. Often, the experiences were not perceived as significant enough to report you.

in Total, to speak according to the survey, 63 per cent in the twelve EU countries surveyed, a significant increase of anti-Semitism in the past five years. 23 per cent spoke of a slight gain. 43 percent of the designated anti-Semitism as a “very big Problem”.

“the Jewish community needs to be able to feel safe”

in view of the Figures of the first Vice-President of the EU Commission, Frans Timmermans showed up, deeply concerned. There is no Europe, if Jews in Europe felt safe. This is the responsibility of all state Agencies, whether at the European, national, regional or local level.

The Deputy government spokesperson, Ulrike Demmer, said with a view to the study: “It is the Federal government, of course, a special concern is that Jewish life in Germany and sure can unfold and be further strengthened”. The memory of the Holocaust urge to defend the values of democracy. This meant that Jews in Germany can be sure of life.

Jews in Europe, growing anti-Semitism fear, 07.12.2018 reporting system for the duration of the problem is hatred of Jews, 04.10.2018 Atlas |Germany |Berlin
