Abu Aisha sits in a high-security prison in the centre of the Iraqi capital, Baghdad. He is shaved bald and is wearing a bright yellow convict suit. Nothing in his appearance suggests that he is once grew up in the tranquil town of Sargans country and in Arbon on lake Constance.

he is wearing yellow clothes, is no coincidence: According to the American Invasion in Iraq in 2003, inmates of the infamous torture prison of Abu Ghraib in orange were put coloured Overalls. In 2014, the Islamic state patterned suits this Prisoner. Doomed, like the American Journalist James Foley in Orange in front of the camera knees, before they were brutally slaughtered.

For death row inmates, such as Abu Aisha from Arbon selected by the Iraqi state, instead of Orange, now Yellow. Unlike the IS of Iraq makes his prisoners do not behead. Terrorists are rather hanged. Abu Aisha is the first IS-Jihadist from Switzerland, which is now at risk of execution, such as searches of this newspaper and the SRF broadcast “10 vor 10”.

The Turk who had been in Switzerland with a C permit, now almost a year in the death cell, along with many other Convicts. At the end of January 2018, a criminal court in Baghdad has sentenced him according to the Iraqi sources, due to terrorism, to death by hanging. An appeal is not possible. The basis for the judgment, the Anti-terrorism law of 2005, which provides for the copyright and the men behind the terrorist acts of violence, only one sanction, namely, the execution is.

Abu Aisha is one of many war in the name of jihadis.

Until Abu Aisha is actually hanged, it may take even longer. After the demise of the IS, the Iraqi judiciary is faced with an avalanche of cases faced. Just in the last couple of years is to be sentenced in Iraq, according to estimates, at least 3000 people to death.

the conditions in The overcrowded prisons, in which, according to human rights organizations are often tortured, are catastrophic. Court proceedings, which end with the death sentence, not rarely last only a few minutes. A source from the environment of Abu Aisha assured, however, that the Arbon had not been tortured. He must bear all the consequences of his actions.

Abu Aisha is one of many war in the name of jihadis. In Switzerland, he had been a bachelor, but after his trip to the IS in the year 2014, he married a Irakerin and had with her a daughter named Aisha. Another of his war name was “Obaida, the Turk”. In the North, Iraq’s Tall Afar, where he apparently lived a long time, he was allegedly also known as “the Swiss”. After his departure from the Arbon in the direction of Turkey and Syria, the Federal Prosecutor’s office in 2015 has opened a criminal case against him, which was meanwhile suspended.

Of civilians betray

Iraqi middle men were able to make it for this newspaper to track the man down, the Abu Aisha was taken in August of 2017, outside of Tall Afar caught. The member of an Iraqi anti-terrorist unit wants to remain anonymous, because he has no permission to speak with journalists. At the time, Iraq took of troops of Tall Afar, which was the IS, among other things, as a centre of the slave trade.

Abu Aisha, a Libyan Jihadist and Abu Aisha’s brother-in-law had hidden himself among a group of civilians who wanted to flee from Tall Afar in the direction of Syria, told the Iraqi commander. The civilians would have known all of you. As the people on a road of the Anti-terrorist barrier controlled unit, you would have denounced Abu Aisha and his two cronies as terrorists.

He also organized convoys of used ambulances to Syria.

but Abu Aisha came up with the idea to pull in the Jihad? Iraqi media have alleged, what he testified before court and what was written in court records about him. Accordingly, Abu Aisha has met an old friend in Arbon, took him in 2013 in a mosque, just a few kilometres away, and Rorschach. Abu Aisha did not mention the name of this friend, but it was, according to information from its environment to the well-known Arbon jihadis Alperen A.

This was a rohrschach mosque, which is no longer in operation today. The head of the house of God is in League with the Islamic Central Council of Switzerland (IZRS) and its auxiliary organization, the Syrian Aid. Alperen A. occurred prior to his departure to Syria in the IZRS as a security man in appearance.

In contrast to his friend Abu Aisha Alperen A. fell as the alpha animal, among other things, the Qur’an distribution campaign “Read!”. He also organized convoys of used ambulances to Syria, among other things, together with the former Thai Boxing world champion Gashi, was killed later when IS Valdet. Abu Aisha was not with the Qur’an to distribute, he helped Alperen A. but in the organization of these convoys. The two friends, both of Turkish descent, lived in Arbon only a few Hundred meters away from each other.

testified As Abu Aisha in a court, gave it in the Rorschach mosque, a Somali, told him about the Jihad and the Successes of the Mujahedin in Syria and in Iraq. He had attended the mosque regularly, and it was there also discussed how they could support the jihadis. It was gone so long, until he had felt the urge, the IS to connect.

From the interns to the bomb-maker

A role should be played – always according to the Iraqi media regarding statements by Abu Aisha, also the well – known German hate preacher Pierre Vogel. Him, he had visited Mannheim several times, together with like-minded people. Pierre was a bird who had advised him to pull in the Jihad. The decisive contact to an IS-a man in Turkey, Abu Aisha has made via Facebook.

In October 2014, Abu Aisha flew to Istanbul. There his parents had moved a year previously. The son visited his parents, however, but did them as if he was still in Switzerland. With other IS supporters, he crossed by using Smugglers by the Syrian border. On the former airbase Taqba in the vicinity of Raqqa, he received military Training and Sharia lessons.

Later, he worked for nine months in a bomb factory in Tall Afar. In Switzerland, he had finished except for the elementary school and an internship in electrical engineering, not education. After the internship, he worked not, but lived on social assistance. In Iraq his electrical engineering Knowledge was enough but still, he was making electrical circuits for the ignition systems of car bombs.

While Abu Aisha waiting in Baghdad for his execution, sitting in his friend Alperen A. meanwhile, in a Turkish prison. From Arbon at least three people are drawn into the Jihad. A corresponding suspicion against a fourth man has not corroborated it. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 03.01.2019, 16:58 PM