Car bird droppings is very harmful for the coating of cars. Delete has priority, but how to remove the hard faeces after a period of time without scratching?

bird droppings, especially on the coast where the birds lots of high-protein fish food, chemical junk. The feces burning directly in the lacquer. They can dull spots, and even lakbeschadigingen cause. Especially in hot weather ‘eat’ the acids in bird droppings sit in your car paint.

Large temperature differences increase the problem because the paint under the droppings less quickly expands and shrinks, which is also to minor damage. So, it is essential that you find such spots immediately clean, but that is not always making the poo indroogt and hard. When you see the spots then remove, scratches left on the paint.

By droppings week, wipe them easily from the coating, even after many hours of sunlight. You have to put water in the faeces to pour, and then a few folded newspapers over them. This newspaper cover will then generously with water, and then a minute or twenty, must withdraw. Then remove the newspaper and rub in the soft feces off with a dry cloth.

Besides bird droppings are also dead insects are detrimental to your paint. That can also this method will be removed. When you paint regularly well in the wash, the paint less quickly affected by bird droppings, resin and dead insects, but that does not take away the fact that these evildoers still, as soon as possible need removing to avoid permanent damage.