The day after his arrest has Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is again a setback to be processed. The 47-year-old Australian must in Sweden about 9 million crowns (up to 860,000 euro) to pay court fees. The Swedish supreme court has a question of Assange for a compensation from the government for those charges dismissed. That has his Swedish lawyer, Per E Samuelson, who is already a few weeks no more contact with Assange, reported to Wikileaks.

The costs relate to the legal work and hearings in the court in connection with a case in Sweden: Assange was by a woman accused of rape during a visit in the country in 2010, but the case was in may 2017 dropped. the

Samuelson was, say yesterday, “in the midst of the media storm” informed about the decision of the supreme court to not intervene in the costs. Previously had even though two lower courts compensatieverzoek rejected.