A year after Nanna Skovmand was assaulted by three young men in front of his residence in the district of Vesterbro is the physical scar from a split upper lip and several ansigtsflænger healed. But behind the beautiful exterior has the 24-year-old student far from being able to put the terrible experience of the attack away. It she says today, 365 days after the attack, to BT.

– I’m struggling so much with it. I talk a lot with my psychologist about why I can’t just move on. Some times I turn off myself in the head with it and say: ‘Worse, it was not, then why can’t you just get on and start on the life you had before?’ But it is just to hang in me, explains Nanna Skovmand about the time after the attack to the newspaper.

Nanna Skovmand was together with her boyfriend Mads Shøllhammer attacked christmas night last year on the way home to their apartment on Vesterbro in Copenhagen after having celebrated christmas eve with some family.

Kæresteparret was not far from their own home, when three teenage boys approached the pair. Shortly after Nanna Checkered gf knocked in the head with a glass bottle. So with a cykelkæde and subsequently withdrew one of the boys a simplex clamp.

When Nanna Skovmand even tried to get the three assailants away from her boyfriend, turned the anger towards her instead. With cykelkæden divided the perpetrators Nanna Checkered upper lip in two, and as she was the day after the attack shared a picture of her bruised face on Facebook put the christmas-attacked the danes ‘ minds to the boil, and several media outlets brought the story.

After the attack has Nanna Skovmand been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and recently depression, the 24-year-old woman daily struggle to overcome.

the Feeling of helplessness and the decemberkolde cobbles pressed against the cheek, while she took from the many battles from the three assailants, is it, Nanna Skovmand in the day remember best of all from the assault.

To BT, she explains that she attacked thought she would die.

today Nanna Skovmand continue to find it difficult to get over the attack. Photo: Private

It was only when neighbours responded to the violent commotion in the street and shouted after the three young boys, Nanna Skovmand understood what was going on, and it was only when the sound of the ambulances approached, she could start to relax.

To Nanna Skovmand a year after the attack chooses to retell his story because she will help other victims of violence in Denmark.

Together with her girlfriend saw she not, that there was to get help after the attack. When they together were discharged from the university hospital there were also no leaflets with the explanation of where they could go.

– I got more a feeling that it is the perpetrators, concentrating on rather than the victims. Which would I want, the arrow pointed the other way. Of course, one should not just throw people 12 years in prison, and to prevent instead of punish, but there should also be someone to follow up on the perpetrators, when they come out again, otherwise they are just left to fend for themselves. A bit like I feel, I am left to myself. And this is where we are perhaps on the same page, says Nanna Skovmand to BT.

After the attack three teenagers on the 16, 17 and 19 years were arrested and charged in the case. In June of this year, two of overfaldsmændene on, respectively, 16 and 19 years of age sentenced to 10 months in prison. The third received one year in prison, because he besides assaulted was found guilty of a robbery.

But instead of a walk in the prison could the three thugs leave the courtroom as free men, because only two months was made unconditional, which the trio had already been met after the pre-trial detention.

Nanna Skovmand meetings therefore continued its assailants close to his residence every now and then. And although the 24-year-old woman have long since forgiven his assailants, she nevertheless sharp criticism against it, she believes, is too low penalties for violence.

– What the hell is a must, before we can begin to talk about too low penalties given to perpetrators of violence, rapists and other criminals? I know the debate is to find many sites on the social media, but I am experiencing the not among they who have the power to take care of the big problem. The problem that can leave a man, a victim, in the total afmagthed and divisions, writes Nanna Skovmand on his Facebook, where she shares an article from Ekstra Bladet, where her own terrible punishment compared to the punishment for vandalism.

– I’m trying to sink this imbalance in our legal system, and hope soon that there will be balance in it, she ends her call to the policies.