Seven million people in Europe are autistic. Your skills are different – the symptoms that they show. Self-help groups are calling for, to promote the potential of these people.

From the back of the small Luca cuddles dearly to Tilda. He puts his cheek on your back. It is very calmly on the bed and seems to enjoy the Snuggle visually. The scene is not a matter of course. Because of the ten-year-old Luca from Trier is autistic. And with body contact, it is not always easy. Tilda is his Labrador-dog – an autism service dog. He is specially trained, and trained.

“Then I calm down whenever I’m a little bit excited,” says Luca. “You have to touch, then I’m going down automatically a bit.”

Its accompanying hünding Tilda has a calming effect on Luca. Tilda has been specially trained for this “Job”. The costs of 28,000 Euro pays in Germany no health insurance.

relief for Luca also means relief for his mother Jennifer Brinkmann: “He is so much happier with Tilda, because he realizes that he is accepted as he is.”

Complex developmental disorder

autism is a complex neurological developmental disorder. Simply speaking, the ability to filter perceptions, missing autistic people. So it can very quickly lead to sensory overload.

“Luca runs out of the room, slams the door,” says Brinkmann. He rarely becomes aggressive. In the meantime, Luca was not able to go to school. Autism manifests itself in different forms. These are not, however, distinguish always easy.

Therefore, it is now often used the term “autism spectrum disorder” as a generic term for the entire spectrum of autistic disorders. Because no one autistic is like the other. The self-help Association “autism Germany” assumes that one percent of the population is affected in Germany. The are several hundred thousand people.

Luca, his dog, Tilda, and his mother Jennifer Brinkmann

routines are important

routines and fixed structures for people with autism are often extremely important. Lucas family had to move to another district in Trier. “Accordingly, there was just a little slump,” says his mother. Especially the social interaction with fellow people with autism is difficult. To suggest, for example, emotions, facial Expressions or Gestures correctly. “Before he had Tilda, went to Luca almost never leave the house alone. Because of him, the bitch is much easier.”

The EU has introduced the world autismustag for the first time in 2008, to increase the awareness for and acceptance of people with autism in the world. Many things have improved already, Mary Kaminski. There are therapies, School guides, or Coaches at work. Germany had already gone a long way. “In the past, the disabled were housed in institutions outside of the cities,” says the Chairman of “autism”. And yet there are still air upward.