In the documentary, “Surviving R. Kelly” tells the more alleged victims that they shall have been subjected to abuse by R&B-rapper R. Kelly.

district attorney Kim Foxx in Chicago, just ordered hometown, pray often, and witnesses to sign up to them or to the police. According to Foxx to statsadvokatens office have received several phones of the charges in the documentaries, where some of them should have come from the Chicago area.

– Investigation in Georgia

According to kjendisnettstedet TMZ has the government of Georgia initiated investigation against the artist as a result of the documentary.

Foxx has on the other hand have no active investigation at the time and says it will require often and witnesses.

According to a report from the police in Stockbridge, Georgia told Timothy Savage to the police 3. January in the year that the Don Russel, R. just ordered the manager, texted him and said that it was best for him and his family about the documentary was not sent. Savage and his wife is featured in the documentary, writes the news agency AP.

just ordered attorney Steve Greensberg says to the AP that the documentary is fake, and that it is “another round of stories” that is being use to “fill the TV-the broadcasts”. the

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Russell should have called Savage while a police officer was present. Savage should have put the phone on speaker. During the call, charges Russell Savage for lying to Lifetime, which has produced the documentary, and said that if Savage still going to support the documentary, will Russell and Kelly to come with information that shows that the Savage is lying.

documentary series was broadcast on the air at the start of January and is about the artist’s history and the allegations that he sexually abused women and girls. R. Kelly denies all the accusations.


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