In the autumn, the 22-year-old Grace Millane from Essex in England on what was to be her life’s journey. She had decided to travel around the world.

After six weeks in South America, arrived at she New Zealand 20. november. Along the way on the trip bombarderte she their siblings and their parents with pictures and other updates from their experiences. Reiserapportene came daily.

Was silent from Grace

Therefore, it was quite disturbing when it didn’t come a few more updates after last Saturday, especially since Sunday a week ago was Graces birthday. Wednesday was Grace’s reported missing.

According to police boddet Grace at a hostel in Auckland. She left the hostel on Saturday morning. Again on the hostel, lay the most of her assets.

After the family notified police that they had not had contact with her daughter for several days, set the police a number of politibetjenter on the matter.

They succeeded in mapping out some of the 22-åringens movements on Saturday evening. At 19.15 on Saturday evening, she becomes filmed by a surveillance camera at Sky City in Auckland. In the picture, she goes along with a man.

A few hours later, at 21.41, she goes into the four-star hotel, the City Life Hotel. Here, too, along with a man. This is the last time she is seen alive.

In daily contact

on Thursday arrived at the Graces the father, David Millane, Auckland. In an emotionally charged session asked the father those who know anything about her daughter’s disappearance about to stand up, writes The Guardian.

– Grace is a loving, outgoing, funny and family oriented daughter. Grace has never gone so long without contact. She is usually in daily contact with either his mother, me, her two brothers or members of the family on social media, said the father.

” We are extremely upset and it is very difficult to describe the feelings we are going through right now.

Police were able quickly to identify the man Grace was with Saturday night. 26-year-old was questioned, but he was not initially arrested.

Police searched the also an apartment in the hotel where Grace was last seen.


But Saturday took the matter a new turn. When was the 26-year-old man arrested, charged with the murder of Grace Millane. The police also revealed that they treat the Graces disappearance as a drapssak.

Grace is no longer alive. This is now a drapsetterforskning, ” says Scott Beard at Auckland-the police, according to The Guardian.

He justifies the police’s conclusion with the evidence they have uncovered, like pictures from cameras and forensic investigations.

In spite of drapssiktelsen and findings the police did, remained there still one thing: To find Grace.

Seized vehicles

Police have so far not found anything that suggests that Grace had met the 26-year-old former. Questions from the press about the two had met on the datingappen Peaks, corresponding Beard:

I will not speculate in how they met. The most important thing here is that Grace is still missing and we want to find her.

And on Sunday morning Norwegian time told police that they had found what they believe to be Grace Millane in a wooded area in the vicinity of Auckland.

the Police believe she has been brought there in a rental car.

– This area was identified as an interesting place last night, as a result of our investigation. I can now tell you that we a short while ago located a dead body, which we think is Grace. A formal identification will now take place, but, based on the evidence we have collected in the last few days, so we expect that there is Grace, ” says Beard.

the Police have also gone out with a picture of a clock and a piece of jewelry that belonged to Grace, and they have also told that the passport of her is gone.

Saturday seized police also an “interesting vehicle”. They are now trying to Retrobet identify where this vehicle has been, writes the Evening Standard.