More than 1,300 wind turbines in the German North sea and Baltic sea, there is now growing: The most powerful Offshore project in the Baltic sea, the wind farm Arkona on the island of Rügen, was put into operation.

The most powerful Offshore project in the Baltic sea, the gone wind farm Arkona, is in operation. The Essen-based energy group E. ON and the Norwegian group Equinor (formerly Stat Oil) celebrated the community project in Sassnitz-Mukran on the island of Rügen.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said in her speech, the renewable energies had moved from the niche to the centre of the energy supply. By 2030, 65 percent of electricity should come from renewable energies.

Chancellor Merkel opened the event together with the Norwegian Minister of energy, Freiberg, Germany, and E. ON Chairman Teyssen to the wind farm Arkona.

400.000 households

of The wind farm, 35 kilometres to the North-to provide East of Rügen has a capacity of 385 megawatts, which is enough to hold computationally for the supply of 400,000 house. According to the information of the client E. ON the wind farm with 60 turbines in the record was built in the time of 14 months. Construction of the 1.2 billion Euro expensive project was in August 2017. The current flows in the future, over three 90-kilometre-long submarine cable to the transformer substation in Lubmin in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and from there to the consumers.