Federal Minister of justice Katarina Barley, and the members of the European Parliament, Udo Bullmann, the SPD top candidate for the European elections in may 2019. On the conference of delegates of the social Democrats, they received 99 per cent (Barley), or 97.4 percent (bull man) of the votes. Trouble there had been in the run-up to the award of the other places on the SPD list. the

The SPD Minister of justice Katarina Barley with 99 percent approval to the national top candidate for the European elections on may 26. May 2019. Of the 194 valid votes at a delegates conference in Berlin voted 192 members for Barley. You want to change after the European elections in Brussels.

Barley has called on her party in the face of the rise of nationalist movements in Europe to a vigorous election campaign. The European unification project

At number two in the list of group, was head of the European socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, Udo Bullmann, with 97.4 per cent elected. He represents the social Democrats since 1999, in the European Parliament. Since March of 2018, he is also the Chairman of the group of the Progressive Alliance of socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament. The Betboo belong to both members of the party of European socialists (PES), as well as members of Parliament, the programmatic social democracy to stand close to her, but neither of the parties belong. At the last 2014 European elections, the SPD ended up with the top candidate, Martin Schulz, at 27.3 percent.

scramble it was in the run-up to the other places on the SPD list. The selection of the party leadership, according to which younger candidates, and women increasingly promising places should be lined up, led to on the list proposed by the Executive Board, slid the other applicants to the rear. Including the current Vice-President of the Europe-first Parliament, Evelyne Gebhardt. This resulted in Parts of the party for displeasure. The proposal was revised once again.

The European top candidate of the social democratic parties, is the Vice-President of the EU Commission, the Dutch Frans Timmermans. The 57-Year-old is in the election campaign, rival of the conservative candidate, Manfred Weber (CSU). Both want to be the successor of the President of the EU Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and compete to be one of the most powerful Post in Brussels. Barley could take over as a national top candidate might have a leading role in the social-democratic group in the European Parliament.