The Baza Fire Station has all the personnel available to extinguish a fire that erupted in the middle afternoon, just a few meters away from the Sacramental Cemetery de la Piedad de Baza.

A fire broke out near a farmhouse, and it has now spread to an olive grove. It has produced large smoke which has alerted drivers driving on the old Granada road towards Zujar intersection and pedestrians walking along the greenway paralleling the cemetery and road.

It can be said that the fire has been controlled by the efforts and effectiveness of firefighters. The main problem is the lack of water. This is why firefighting vehicles are constantly moving to the Baza fire station to replenish their supply. Water. Local Police moved into the area of the fire to facilitate access controls and the movement of fire trucks. The area also has an Infoca checkpoint, but no evidence suggests that they have intervened.

The causes of the fire that could be extinguished in a very short time are not known at the moment. However, it will be necessary to monitor and cool the area with water later.