So is there a set date on it, there probably will be something of a draw when ex-lokalpolitikeren in Syddjurs Municipality, Per Zeidler, together with another man Right in Randers on Thursday 16. may at nine o’clock.

Here is allocated to a single retsdag to the case where the 55-year-old, former local politician’s considerations, among others, is accused of having served 326.000 dollars to arrange gangbangs, where women are on the shift had sex with 8-10 paying men in different locations across the country.

Per Zeidlers election poster was a part of the municipal election campaign in 2017, until he was revealed in allegedly to arrange gangbangs. Photo Ernst Van Norde

The now divorced father of two adult sons are accused by the Court in Randers to have planned and recruited women and a girl of only 16 years – to gangbangs. The well-known ex-politician accused also for the dissemination of child pornography.

In a period of approximately one and a half years from april 2016 to november 2017 Per Zeidler and a 55-year-old man, according to the indictment, organized and held not less than 109 gangbangs at different locations in Denmark.

this is the essentials of charge sheet in the sensational case, which, prior to the local elections in 2017 got Per Zeidlers political career to collapse.

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a comment from Per Zeidler, as in a series of articles in Adresseavisen Syddjurs last summer, among other things told, that he, as a consequence of the skandaliserende effects had tried to commit suicide, but was rescued at the last moment by an old German couple.

According to the comprehensive and 11 pages long indictment in the case, as the Extra Leaf is in the possession of, planned Per Zeidler and his peers, co-defendants man, among other sex-orgierne by setting rates, recruiting women and photographing women for the ads.

Then paid to the participating men – usually 8-12 pieces at a time – the two defendants for the shift to have sex with one or more women.

the Arrangements have, according to the indictment been an extremely lucrative business for the two middle-aged men, who must have had a profit on the total of 326.000 dollars on the many gangbangs in village halls and other rented locations.

It has also not been possible on Wednesday morning to get in touch with Per Zeidlers defense attorney Henrik Garlik Jensen. He confirms to TV 2 Østjylland, that the case is scheduled for 16. may, and to set aside one day for the hearing. Henrik Garlik Jensen in her short interview with the regional tv-station does not answer, whether there will be a tilståelsessag or a domsmandssag.

thus, It has not been possible to ascertain whether the Per Zeidler will confess some of the total of 111 conditions in the indictment.

The former councillor in Syddjurs Municipality was in denmark in november 2017, when Aarhus Stiftstidende could reveal how he had participated in and helped to organise the so-called gangbangs (English: gruppeknald).

In the wake of the revelations could be Extra to the Magazine to tell how the girls in sexorgierne should fill the menu. Here, among other things, they tick, if they were colluding with, for example: ’Sex ft. condom’, ’splashing into the mouth’, ’slug’, ’deep throat – suck cock completely to the root’.

Extra Leaf was in contact with several sources who told me that, the more items checked, the more money the girls would allegedly obtain as payment for their participation.

the 112 – 9. nov. 2017 – at. 15:30 Angry citizens Per Zeidler: ‘I don’t know if he can be in the city’

the 112 – 7. jan. 2019 – at. 12:56 Gangbang-politician accused of pimping: Refuse guilty