“Beats removing interest deductibility against households”

“There is room in the pockets for a lowered interest deductions with today’s low interest rates.”

“– It will be considerably more difficult if interest rates rise, ” says sparekonomen Frida Bratt , who has figured on how nertrappade interest deductions strikes against households.”

“Räntebidragen is once again top of the political agenda. And the conditions for that there will be a reduction is greater than in the past, think Frida Bratt, sparekonom on the bank Nordnet.”

“Despite the fact that several parties have long advocated the nedtrappade interest deductions have no party so far alone wanted to take responsibility for such a large intervention in the voters’ wallets. But the deal between S, MP, C and L change the playing field.”

” it is Now four parties can stand behind. I think that this has completely different conditions now than in the past, ” says Frida Bratt.”

“If ränteavdraget should be reduced so it is time to take the opportunity while interest rates are still low, she believes.”

“– You see in the calculations have a space in our wallets to do it here now, as low interest rates still are. It will be considerably more difficult if interest rates rise.”

“She has figured on how to reduced or waived requirements for interest deductibility would hit. For a household with a loan of 3.3 million, a reduction to 20 percent of the mean over 400 dollars more a month with today’s interest rates. If the interest rate rises to five per cent will be loan rather than 1 375 sek more expensive in a month. With a completely eliminated interest deductions would be the same loan with a five percent interest rate of 11 000 sek more expensive in a month.”

“Frida Bratt also believe that the politicians would do well to combine a reduced interest deductions with any form of carrot, for households.”

“– It can be a subsidized lending, or that, in order to break up the stickiness in the housing market, do something about the actual flyttskatten in itself, not just uppskovsräntan.”

“interest Expense per month with an interest rate of 1.5 per cent:”

“Today’s expense: 875 sek”

“With the reduced interest deductions to 20%: 1 000 sek”

“With completely removing the deduction: 1 250 sek”

“Down by 1 percentage point per year:”

“Eliminated interest deductions and a 5% interest rate: 4 167”

“interest Expense per month with an interest rate of 1.5 per cent:”

the “daily interest: 2 625 sek”

“With the reduced interest deductions to 20%: 3 000 sek”

“With completely removing deductions: 3 750 sek”

“Down by 1 percentage point per year:”

“Eliminated interest deductions and a 5% interest rate: 12 500”

“interest Expense per month with an interest rate of 1.5 per cent:”

“Today’s expense: 5 206 sek”

“With the reduced interest deductions to 20 percent: 5 950 sek”

“With completely removing the deduction: 7 438 sek”

“Down by 1 percentage point per year:”

“Eliminated interest deductions and a 5% interest rate: 24 794 sek”