For the first time ever, the Norwegian car dealers sold more electric cars than cars with internal combustion engine measured over a whole month.

Of the 18.213 cars, who in march was registered in Norway, was 10.316 electric cars. This means in other words that electric vehicles accounted for 57 percent of sales. A matter of fact, as the head of the State Vegvesen, Terje Moe Gustavsen, call ‘historical’.

– This is the historical figures. Ago it (sales, ed.) first began to stir, it moved fast, he says in a press release.

According to media is the electrical sales twice as high as the same month last year. Looking at the year’s first quarter, the share of electric cars, however, not quite over 50 percent yet. Statens Vegvesen writes that they constitute 48 percent of the total sales in the period.

Norway has a declared objective to stop the sale of cars with internal combustion engines already in the year 2025, and the country offers a wide range of goods to the drivers who choose to drive electric car.

It has made the country one of the largest markets for electric cars in the world – but it is not, therefore, the sales suddenly rose in march. The honour must, to a larger extent, be attributed to the u.s. bilbyggere from Tesla, writes in both the faculty of and Reuters. In march began the Tesla namely, to deliver the brand’s newest car, the Model 3, for the Norwegian buyers.

How would thousands of norwegians like to have hold of, and according to the put the Tesla in the march number plates on 5315 copies of the car. It is more than all the other electric cars on the market can be patterns, if they put their figures together.

the Media writes, that he never before in Norwegian history has been registered so many copies of the same car model in one month. The previous record holder was the electric car the Nissan Leaf, which sold 2200 copies of back in march 2018.

For comparison, in denmark registered a 530-electric cars in march.