Scientific studies prove it: more and more animal and plant species are threatened with extinction or already disappeared. This dramatic development for the Ecosystem to accept a newly created conservation movement in Bavaria idly. That’s why it has launched the end of January a petition for a referendum, the very bees sent as a sympathy carrier.

Even before the expiry of the prescribed period of two weeks and more than a Million people in the whole of Bavaria signed the “people’s desire for biodiversity – Save the bees”. For the status of a legislative initiative, a Quorum of 950’000 signatures. That’s the equivalent of ten percent of the Electorate of Bavaria.

policy must finally act on nature protection

“This is a huge success and a powerful Signal to the policy,” says Agnes Becker, the main initiator belonging to the small ecological democratic party (ÖDP). According to media reports, Becker speaks of a “clear sign that the population in Bavaria has long understood the need to change the species and nature conservation seriously.” Behind the successful bee Initiative, the Green, as well as many conservation and other organisations.

The people’s desire to “Save the bees” is a big hit. Source: Youtube/daily show

According to its own claim, you want to make Bayern at the forefront of nature protection and the Greening of agriculture in Germany. The people’s initiative Bavaria is to connect all habitats to prevent the extinction of bees, butterflies, birds, hares and other species. In addition, the use of pesticides should be reduced significantly. Another concern is the massive Expansion of organic farming by means of legally defined objectives. Finally, hedges, trees and small bodies of water in agriculture should be preserved.

farmers Association complained to farmer-Bashing

The farmers Association of Bavaria feels that the bee Initiative as an attack on the farmers. Association representatives Express the charge of the farmer-Bashings on the part of the initiators. The proposed rules were not workable, it means more. However, The farmers ‘ Association, which rejects every improvement in the nature conservation strictly, does not represent all farmers. The organizations of organic farmers, for example, in support of the petition, which is now in the Bavarian state Parliament.

If the state legislature, the people’s desire not to implement unchanged, there are bound to be a referendum. Just in the CSU-group, there are significant reservations. The Parliament has the possibility, to the people an alternative proposal to the vote. This would also be in the sense of the Prime Minister, Markus Söder (CSU), wants to submit a private nature conservation act.

farmers criticize the popular initiative “Save the bees”. Source: Youtube/BR24

Söder has now convened for the next week, a round table, to find a bipartisan solution. The natural should not be against the peasants protected, but with you, said Söder. He wanted to reconcile Ecology and agriculture. He tried a historical comparison: Similar to had succeeded in Bavaria a half – century ago with the change from the confessional to the community schools. To do this, there had been a request for a referendum.

The free state of Bavaria desire a long Tradition of the people. In the post-war period so far, 20 of such law in the launching of initiatives from the population. Many of them were successful. The Instrument of the people, legislation had been introduced in Bavaria for the first time, with the Constitution of 1919, a hundred years ago. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 13.02.2019, 17:43 PM