hundreds of thousands of bees have died, because Landi-agricultural center Switzerland sold widely contaminated insecticide from India, such as the Sunday newspaper revealed last week. The cast against the Background of the current pesticide and drinking water initiative-high waves. Many Eco-organisations to spread the scandal in the social media as proof of the need for a gift ban in agriculture. And Franziska gentlemen of the drinking water initiative, says: “It shows in all clarity, what are the dangers of plant protection products mountains.” Both initiatives come in the next year at the ballot box.

The scandal puts farmers and the public authorities under pressure. Because it showed that the licence is the holder for the distribution of the contaminated injection by means of a mere letter box company. Although the establishment of the Indian pesticide manufacturer in case of emergency for call-backs and damage to, the has neither offices nor employees. In the absence of contact persons in the letter-box company had to finally suffer the consequences of the agricultural cooperative Fenaco, as the seller of the contaminated injection by means of the scandal on behalf of the letter-box company.

It is not an isolated case: studies show that many plant protection products are approved to mere letter-box companies. Actually, the law prescribes explicitly that only the Swiss branches receive an authorisation for a plant protection product. However, the Federal office for agriculture, as the regulatory authority of companies that exist only on paper accepted.

cantonal authorities are calling contact persons

Now, the farmers ‘ Association is active. President Markus Ritter says: “We demand that companies with authorisation authorisations for plant protection agents in Switzerland, contact persons.” And member of the Executive Board Martin Rufer specified: Important this is, “if you had to act in case of problems with the spray agent, for security reasons, quickly”. It should not be that you have to look at the difficulties, “at first, somewhere in a distant country a contact person”.

it’s a Similar sound in the case of cantonal authorities: He expected that “the permit holder has at least one employee on-site, with which we as an authority in our language to communicate,” says Armin Feurer by the office for consumer protection of the Canton of Aargau. Feurer was involved in the investigation of the bee-poison scandal. For him it is clear: The holder of the Approval “the need for speedy action to implement” and “legally tangible”.

in Total, were imported in 2000 packs of the contaminated pesticide in Switzerland. This quantity is sufficient for the injection of 3300 hectares. This corresponds to the area of 180 farms or 4700 football fields. The legal pesticides Pirimicarb was contaminated with the prohibited bee venom Fipronil. The Federal office for agriculture had to arrange an urgent recall action. It is likely that a large part of the poison has already been applied to the cultures. It is proved according to the authorities, that the poison has led to a bees die in the Canton of Aargau. According to the bee health service, it is assumed that the contaminated biocidal led but also other places throughout Switzerland, to the death of entire bee colonies.

This Text is from the current issue. Now all of the articles in the E-Paper of the Sunday newspaper, read: App for iOS App for Android – Web-App

Created: 02.11.2019, 22:17 PM