Thousands of women and children have in recent days evacuated from Baghouz, the last IS stronghold in Syria since a week is bombarded by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Among them also ‘Um Nuh’, say Belgian woman whose real identity is unknown. In an interview with the Kurdish tv channel Rudaw says they have no regret that they are located in IS connected, on the contrary. “IS sitting in our heart,” she says.

More than 6,500 citizens would have this week evacuated from Baghouz, a lot more than the SDF, supported by the international coalition led by the US, had expected. The Syrian rebels put last week’s last fight against IS in the town, but were overwhelmed by the massive amount of women and children who have found. They are from the village removed and sent to a camp in the desert, where they will be checked.

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In pictures and movies is to see how a large group of women at the beginning of this week entirely in black burkas in the camp were waiting on food and drink. While they are out of Baghouz were led away, they shouted, according to Reuters ‘Allahu Akbar’. Among the women was, according to Rudaw also has at least one Belgian woman, ‘Um Nuh’, but it is not clear who she really is. She fled Baghouz with her three children. Her husband told her that she had to flee, while he was in Baghouz remained behind to fight to the death. Also the SDF think that the men that are now in Baghouz are the toughest fighters. This week gave more than 400 others, is all about.

Um Nuh, no regret seems to show, says in the interview that she hopes that her husband’s martyrdom may die. She does not want to return to Belgium, because our country has participated in the international coalition against IS. “Islamic State is in our heart. Even if they are all of us dead, we will continue to love it. We are all muslims, we have a country. (…) Belgium has, our women and our children killed. They were in the coalition.”