Eight cubic meters of debris had accumulated, maybe a bit more, maybe a little less, so exactly no one knows. Enough, anyway, that the employees of the city cleaning had to be done. They had to vacate the illegal homeless camp in the Ulap Park in the middle of it. There was no other way, by Using the district mayor Stephan von Dassel, who is responsible for the public order office, no doubt. Unacceptable hygiene conditions, numerous citizens ‘ complaints, there is a limit of tolerance.

a Camp. Again untenable hygienic conditions. Such evictions are not new. In the Tiergarten stock have been resolved, also in Friedrichshain. If the health Department has sounded the Alarm, there is danger in delay. Before in the past at Ostkreuz, the Berghain has been vacated, were rats running between the mattresses and empty bottles around. Also the Camps at the Rummelsburger Bay, despite extension of the deadline, probably cleared.

the resolution of the Camps, the Problem is not solved

However, with the dissolution of Camps, whether at the Rummelsburger Bay or in the middle, is the causative Problem, homelessness is not solved. The white also of Dassel. But the Green politicians is party internally under special observation, because he has already arranged earlier evictions, he has documented in the case Ulap Park in detail, that the residents were repeatedly asked to leave the neglected warehouse in a timely manner. And they were, of course, information about offers of help for accommodation. “All homeless people are diverse and very low-threshold assistance are in Berlin. To leave people in the appalling conditions in which they live in parks or under bridges, therefore, is not a solution,“ said von Dassel.

So, it looks also Ortrud Wohlwend. “Camps for the homeless of the town do not. In the Camps, sooner or later there is poverty,“ says the press spokesperson for the city mission. “However, evictions are a last resort. It would be better to help the people in a sustainable manner.“ The city mission helps, at least temporarily. A three-night shelter and a café for apartment provides lots.

daily mirror people

for Free order

Ortrud Wohlwend it comes to strategy. Sustainable aid, which is a core point, this is the only way to overcome for the Problem. The people need apartments, they need workers help Street, the social Situation will be more difficult in General. Housing shortages, rising Rents, all of this exacerbating the situation. They met in the autumn, a Polish couple, both working, both probably in the low-wage sector. Can’t be different, why else would you live in a tent on the S-Bahn Damm, in Tiergarten? A apartment they had found. “People need concrete offers of help, otherwise, the hopelessness is getting bigger and consolidating,” says Ortrud Wohlwend.

people would have to get flats

The precarious Situation is exacerbated, at least you got this impression, if you look at a few Numbers. In December, the city mission registered in their Central night shelter in the Lehrter Straße 9286 Nights, including 902 women. 120 seats, offers the accommodation. But alone at 16. December, stayed there for 167 people.

Also, the Caritas spokesman Thomas Gleißner calls a “qualified assistance to the homeless”. He, too, has in principle nothing against the eviction of the Camps. “But the important thing is that the people will not be evicted.” Instead, it was necessary to bring you at least “in the shelter”. An Intermediate Goal. The main task remain: people should receive apartments. Nice Theory. The practice looks bleak. “There have been people with normal jobs problems, to keep your apartment.” After all, the Senate administration for social Affairs tried to hire has been in the cold for help to be expanded. Caritas also operates the emergency shelter in Franklin road.

More about

help for Berlin’s homeless is on the Road in the cold of the night

Sidney Gennies

Several thousand homeless people live in Berlin, so much is clear. Only no one knows how many there are exactly, and how big of a need. Thus, the Overview is a bit clearer, will eventually warm the next time around 1000 Volunteers. In Teams of three volunteers speak to the homeless at their usual accommodation places and question them. Details of the concept will be made known to the Senate in the near future. Caritas spokesman Gleißner s is not registered’satisfied, however, without critical additional remark. “A census, we are now calling for years.”