“The Weigand shore is currently used as a Rennstraße.” The experienced Bicycle activist Michael Ihl every Morning when he drives his daughter to school by Bicycle. “We are weggehupt, motors, showerheads, it comes daily to stark escalations.”, the co-founder of the network of Bicycle told friendly Neukölln.

the Weigand banks in Neukölln was opened only in mid-November as the freshly paved bike road. That is to say, bicycles have here is actually a priority, are allowed to ride two abreast. Motorists need to adapt to, are allowed to move more than with Tempo 30.

a total of fewer cars on the Weigand banks are now on the road, feel motorists who use the road, even more to the lawn invited. But that should now be brought to an end: On Thursday, conversion work began on the Weigand shore, the road section up to the spring of a way to make a car-free Zone.

bollards to the car transport

stop Between wild quarry road and Innstraße the roadway is to be built on four meters back, at the beginning and at the end of the road section, so-called modal filters in the future. These are barriers that allow only certain road users to pass. In this case, be placed on each side of three bollards, the filter out the traffic.

cyclists and pedestrians can pass through the Weigand shore. For fire-fighting vehicles and rescue trolleys, the bollard can be folded. The measures are intended to keep the through traffic from the inner city coming to the A100 motorway, from the Weigand shore. In addition, in the neighboring Innstraße new Parking spaces for cars. The planning of the reconstruction of the Bank began in the year 2015. Since then, the residents of existing participation Committee Sonnenallee was for the traffic calming measures.

But also the network of Bicycle-friendly Neukölln has been demanding for some time the use of modal Filters. “We look forward to the improvements to the Weigand shore and wish us such regulations to car traffic for the Friedel road and other roads that were paved from the Radverkehrsetat,” says a spokeswoman for the network. In addition, the wild-breaking space to get a whole new quality of stay, all have something – whether local residents, walkers, or Cyclists.

sidewalk will be rebuilt and planted

Because the traffic calming measures, it should not remain: The sidewalks adjacent to the wild quarry Park, will be rebuilt and planted. So a “whole new Park right on the water,” as the Baustadtrat of the district, Jochen Biedermann (Green).

Currently, the boardwalk is dilapidated to grow, with trees and pedestrian-drive can be crossed. With the conversion of the district, a new and attractive green space and a place for the neighborhood hopes to create.

The Bicycle activists Michael Ihl, the Changes are not enough. Those motorists coming from Treptow and the Elbe street to the Hermann square and the traffic lights on the Sonnenallee save want to drive, drive still on the bike road. You don’t have to pass the cars are banned in the area, namely, in the first place.

“The district should be in detention in London and other large cities, and better thoughts,” calls for Ihl. In London, around cameras indicator to monitor is based on whether certain vehicles on certain roads are allowed to pass. Whether surveillance cameras are right for Berlin, since Ihl is also not sure. “But modal filters can also be beautiful: This can be about flower boxes.”

Also in Sweden and the Netherlands, there are examples of refined modal Filter. The hope in the city-planning performance of the district does not want to give up Ihl but: “I call for an upper limit for the auto transport. Neukölln could play the role of a pioneer and a laboratory for the Federal German large cities in terms of road safety.

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traffic policy in Berlin districts to vote on the better Cycling

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