the flowers jewelry was missing. For the first session of the Berlin city Assembly, which was elected in December 1948, only in the Western sectors of the city, decreed that the hall should be made in the city hall beautiful mountain beautiful. It was nothing, because the discounts and potted plants of a company should be delivered in the East of Berlin. However, at the Brandenburg gate, the fresh Green of the SED was seized-controlled police forces. The Constitution of the new Parliament, exactly 70 years ago, in the West of the politically divided city, could not prevent the Communists.

“The splitter of Berlin and their foreign backers have to the 14. January your gap Parliament convened in the city hall beautiful mountain”, and etched at that time, the “New Germany”. What was not mentioned in the report: in The fall of 1946, in the first democratic election after the end of the war for the whole of Berlin elected city Assembly came two years later in severe distress. The head of the largely social democratic-dominated city Parliament, Otto Suhr, on the 6. In September 1948 forced, because of the increasing abuse and open violence at the New town house in the East of Berlin, to lay the venue in the students house at the Charlotte Burger stone.

conference venue for more than four decades

In the absence of the SED group were there, decided to have elections for the Western part of the city, but after the election they were looking for more suitable premises and found them in the city hall of the schöneberg district. A proud building that had suffered in the Bombing raids at the end of the Second world war is difficult. However, up to 14. In January 1949, the citizen was prepared the hall in a hurry, as scantily as the district mayor Erich Wendland, skilled book printer and SPD-man, was the city councillor in his city hall welcome.

Only a year later, the theater was expanded stage and a real chamber was created, in which the West Berlin Parliament met for more than four decades. When the municipal Assembly was constituted 70 years ago, probably had no idea what a permanent provisional situation should arise in the cozy schöneberg, which was the seat of the Parliament and the government. With the liberty bell, and John-F.-Kennedy-Platz.

The first meeting of the commanders of the three Western were loaded sectors, you wrote the 204. The day of the Blockade of Berlin. The commentator of the daily mirror summed up the Situation in 1949: “What is dare in front of three and a half years, only a few suspected and no one to pronounce, namely that Berlin would have to be a dangerous focal point of world politics, today is a hackneyed wisdom.” Never a city administration had been “such”. Otto Suhr, who was elected as head of the Council, acting unanimously, agreed to the colleagues in his opening speech to the new task: The new city Council will “have to as a working Parliament, and at the same time, as a tribune of the determined free will of the population of Berlin”.

it was not Until 1993, after the fall of the Berlin wall, ended the temporary one in Rathaus schöneberg and the first total the Berlin house of representatives moved into the former Prussian state Parliament in the middle of it.

daily mirror-founder Erik Reger additional images 1 of 11Foto: dpa27 ads.09.In 2017 07:52Zeitungsgründer. The Journalist, publicist, writer, co-publisher and editor-in-chief of the Berliner Tagesspiegel, Erik Reger…previous Next

interested in history? Click here to read the day book records of day-mirror-founder Erik Reger to the end of the war in 1945, the Zero hour in Berlin and Brandenburg. More about Erik Reger, and other days mirror authors of the early years, you can find on our topic page. Archive-posts from the post-war period can also be found on Twitter.

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