(Obi.no:) the Government promotes now new rules for safer is. Sellers shall sell the property may not take the general subject as “sold as is”, but must document the home’s condition.

the Seller has been able to hide behind the “as is”caveat, believes the minister of justice, Tor Mikkel Wara, according to Aftenposten.

“first it must become greater predictability and security, the other is to make the legislation easier, and the third is to bring down the conflict,” says Wara to the newspaper.

– The best christmas present

” We have long campaigned for a safer it is, and we are happy that this is finally a priority. This is the best christmas present Norwegian consumers can get. Boligkjøp is the most expensive and largest investment we make in life, ” comments Morten A. Meyer, general secretary of the house owners, in a press release.

He believes the important thing now is to get errors and omissions to light, not sure against them.

today, there are amatørene in pay for the apartment, i.e. the buyers and the sellers, on a collision course. So we can’t have it! With the new rules we will use the money on the documentation of the home’s condition, not on expensive insurance policies, ” says Meyer.

Great print quality

today, there are great print quality on tilstandsrapportene, and takstmennenes expertise varies. The proposal adds up to that can be regulated what content tilstandsrapportene shall have, and the requirements for takstmennene to prepare them.

It is proposed to legislate that the buyer shall be deemed to know matters that are clearly described in a stock-taking exercise. The buyer may not invoke these conditions as missing.

– Boligselgere are confident that they get documented the accommodation well enough, while buyers are assured that they get the information they are entitled to, ” says Meyer.

10.000 for blemishes

in Order to avoid conflict about the object it is proposed to clarify that the buyer does not necessarily expect a perfect property when you buy used. Expectations need to be adapted to the home’s age, visible vedlikeholdstilstand and other conditions. There are also a minsteterskel by the buyer shall bear the costs up to 10,000 dollars.

– the Suggestion of a co-payment for the purchase of 10,000 kroner for the imperfections we think is a sensible limit that will prevent bickering about small things, ” says Meyer.

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