‘do you Know the type’ on Tuesday evening ran over the screen on DR1, guessed many excited viewers, probably with in front of the screen to find out who the evening’s protagonist was.

But around 200,000 danes, it was probably no secret, if they set out to see the program.

Realitystjernen Amalie Szigethy, who was tonight’s protagonist, had come to speak about it.

the Entire 30 minutes before the program, she revealed namely on his Instagram profile, that the experts had been by her home.

‘Without telling too much, so there is a reason that they are here for 3 hosts look so happy out. They came namely on the visit in a residence which is located here in the north of Zealand. About Hørsholm & Rungsted – and it can thus see much more about just about a DR1 at. 20:00 do You Know the Type’, she wrote to a picture of the host Mads Steffensen and experts Anne Happy and Flemming Møldrup.

on Tuesday evening was the main character in ‘do you Know the type’ disclosed ahead of time. Here is a picture from the previous section. Photo: DR

Under the picture points out several of Amalie Szigethys followers, that it was not appropriate of her to reveal that she was the protagonist in advance.

‘Yes, it was not right thought’, writes one, while another continues:

‘There went the point a bit of the program.’

‘shut up, it’s damn too silly to write in here’, writes a third.

Amalie Szigethy was Tuesday’s protagonist. Photo: Stine Tidsvilde

Also DR-the program’s permanent host, Mads Steffensen, is slightly annoyed that the main character was revealed before time.

I sighed a little when I found out about it. It is not supposed, that the main character has to be revealed before the time, for you must not destroy the game for the viewers, says Mads Steffensen to Ekstra Bladet.

He explains that from the DR’s page has rules for the main character in relation to what must be disclosed and when, since the point of the program is that, the viewers have to guess with. However, the precise rules he knows not, though.

– You should at least wait until after the application is sent. Also like to a few days after, there are many that stream the program. The main character sits often and follow on a screen, when we go around their home, and there are certainly rules that they are not allowed to sit and create stories on Instagram and whatnot, just in order for there to be tension for the viewers, says Mads Steffensen with a laugh.

the Experts visited on Tuesday, Amalie Szigethy, who among other things is known from the ‘Paradise Hotel’ and ‘Forsidefruer’. Photo: DR

Amalie Szigethy came to reveal himself before the time, taking Mads Steffensen, however, with a smile.

I just think that Amalie has looked forward so much to that we should come, and so she’s come to talk about it. It can happen even to the best, he says.

– And if Amalie have 200,000 followers, so there is still a half a million, who don’t know who the protagonist is. I’m still convinced that it is a very good program, and Amalie was just so sweet to visit. It can be done. We have also come to reveal the winner ahead of time, says Mads Steffensen with a grin with reference to a program, where the program visited the sexologist Jakob Olrik, whose daughter carried a sign where her last name ‘Olrik’ evident.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a comment from Amalie Szigethy, but in the time of this writing without success.