Mikkel Hansen may in the future have less competition for playing time at Paris Saint-Germain.

The Norwegian håndboldstjerne and Hansen’s mate on the left back Sander Sagosen switch to the German team THW Kiel, when his current contract with PSG expires in the summer of 2020.

he says to Norwegian TV 2.

– I want to try the League, and I want to do it before I get too old.

– Kiel bet huge again. They will once again be the best in the world, and it has I want to be with. I want to win the Bundesliga, says bagspilleren.

Sagosen, has signed a three-year agreement with Kiel, who is number two in the German league.

Handball – 21. feb. 2019 – at. 18:40 Two danes may be the world’s best