”Biggest loser VIP room”-the winner of the time after the finals: Not a perfect journey

Erik Hörstadius victory in the ”Biggest loser VIP 2018”

He went down 36 pounds and won the ”Biggest loser VIP”.

Now, ” Erik Hörstadius about the secret trick is to face the judgment – and the weight increase after the final.

“I have not had a perfect journey afterwards”, says Erik Hörstadius.

this Year’s ”Biggest loser VIP”-final was a real thriller. With only a couple of pound margin won the journalist Erik Hörstadius over former Robinson winner Alexandra still a very beautiful cat.

“I was really surprised, really, when I won,” says Erik Hörstadius, which went down 35,8 kg – from 129,6 to 93.8 million pounds.

But the way to win in the finals was anything but straight. After he and Alexandra still a very beautiful cat left the castle and the filming he had a hard time getting started with training.

” the Thing is, it was possible to see on Facebook that still a very beautiful cat had continued to go down, and I had parked. After the castle it was supa catch up with friends, the football world CUP and so I wrote finished a book. I had not really spread to continue to go down.

Won thanks to Alexandra still a very beautiful cat

He reveals that it was precisely the finalkonkurrenten that spurred him to go on.

” I thought she would take me there. When I saw her on Facebook and she looked so darn slim, so I put in a dunderspurt the last few weeks, ” says Erik Hörstadius.

” I have incredibly easy to not eat. I can just turn it off and then go down, if you do, a number of hekton per day. I do not get tired of it. But I open my inner pantry and eat of my body fat.

He describes the fast and Alexandra is still a very beautiful cat as their ”superweapon”.

” I am naturally a förlorarskalle. I will never all the way. Somehow stumbling before the finish line. It was a cool thing at the castle. In particular, exercise-Micke (Hollsten) and still a very beautiful cat said I can more than I think. I was just satisfied to go to the final. But when it was a few weeks away so I thought: ”No, now I’m going to win the whole thing,” says Erik Hörstadius.

He pays tribute to Alexandra still a very beautiful cat and described her as a ”beloved rival”

– still a very beautiful cat was my mental coach. Thanks to it, I hit her then.

Hörstadius if the weight increase: Not worried

the Time after the final has been busy for Hörstadius. He has written a book on the ”Biggest loser”-the adventure (released at the beginning of next year), and how they have influenced his life.

today, weighs more than in the final.

” I have not had a perfect trip afterwards. It never gets really bad. But popping it up a few pounds, I take care of it. I end up never in the situation: ”Now it went a month and I went up seven pounds”, says Erik Hörstadius.

In the final, I had locked myself in the tile, and not drinking any water the last day. In pure fettvikt I have gone up to, say, 4-5 kg. More, it is not. But I can vanish as soon as I switch on the vinnarskallen again. I’m not worried that I shall go up again.

If there is something he learned from ”Biggest loser VIP room,” it is precisely the lesson of knowing how he should tackle the extrakilona.

” It’s an incredible cool feeling to be able to do much with his life in a short while. I hope the viewers see it, what you can accomplish. Though I am over 50, it can happen to the stuff quickly, both by weight and that there are muscles. It is not the end of the year.

pay Tribute to the other participants

He lifts the community, also with the other participants, both before and after the recording, as one of the most important things he brings with him from the ”Biggest loser VIP”.

” I am otherwise a halvasocial type. But the support from the group, the collective… Damn what power there is when you open up and let others help you with it. I almost begin to cry now, ” says Erik Hörstadius.

” Now I am inclined to take the help of other people. This ensamvargen is a little more open.

starting weight: 129,6 kg\nSlutvikt: 93,8 kg\nViktnedgång: 35,8 kg

Percentage of weight loss: 27.6%

starting weight: 95,6 kg\nSlutvikt: 70,7 kg\nViktnedgång: 24,9 kg

Percentage of weight loss: 26%

Footnote: Had Alexandra still a very beautiful cat gone down another two pounds, she had landed on a percentage weight loss of 28%, giving her the victory.