In the dispute over the admission of refugees is the rescue ships again and again, the entrance is denied. Germany and France are pushing for a transitional solution: It is unworthy to negotiate each Time.

Germany and France are pushing for a temporary solution for the Mediterranean sea, blocked the rescue ships with migrants. Both countries want to work together to promote more countries to participate in the admission of boat refugees, said Interior Secretary Stephan Mayer (CSU), at a Meeting of EU interior Ministers in Bucharest. “From our point of view, it is not a commandment of humanity, that we discuss case by case, which country is in which order of magnitude is ready, the circumstances under which shipwrecked people.” EU Commissioner Dimitris Avramopoulos welcomed the Initiative to concrete progress, but there were not.

Always had ships in Italy and Malta in the past months, and private Rescue with migrants on Board in the entrance to their ports failed. The governments in Rome and Valletta made it a condition that other EU member States to absorb the people.

Recently had to endure 47 people almost two weeks on Board the “Sea-Watch 3” before you were allowed to in Italy on Land. A prerequisite for this was that several EU had declared countries to absorb the migrants at the ready. Germany, which according to Mayer, nine people. In a previous case, Germany and France had agreed in January to ready, 60 migrants.

Mayer, according to nine of the EU have taken part so far-States to the Ad-hoc solutions. Except for Romania, none of them in the Eastern EU. Because of the distribution issue in the refugee crisis, which started Anti-smuggling in the Mediterranean. The government in Rome has been calling for months, that the rules of engagement be changed so that Italy no longer has to accommodate all the Rescued alone.