A 35-year-old male fynbo of greenlandic origin and several witnesses were on Wednesday questioned in the Court of Svendborg. The man is accused of having beaten an elderly man so forcefully that the victim lost two teeth and broke his jaw.

the attack happened last year in november in the 54-year-old voldsoffers apartment in Hjerteparken.

the Police prosecutor, Anne Marie von Lowzow, explaining that the defendants in addition to his fists and kicks had used a guitar as a slashing weapon. There was talk about an electric instrument or an acoustic guitar, she can’t disclose.

– It all happened in a writer, and the accused could not remember anything. But some of the many witnesses could bring more clarity about what happened, says Anne Marie von Lowzow.

the Victim’s kæbebrud was so extensive, according to police reports, a transition was fear for the man’s breathing. He was subsequently hospitalized and operated on at the hospital’s intensive care department.

the discovery of a smashed, bloody guitar and blodstænk on the ceiling in the victim’s apartment have been with to fortify the police evidence.

The defendants were yesterday unable to come closer to a credible motive. But Fyns Amts Avis has previously stated that the 54-year-old should have been together with the accused’s girlfriend. In his opinion, had the man allegedly molested her.

on Top of the fact came to the arrested person at police headquarters in Odense must have kicked a cop in the chest, and that he, according to the indictment in the case had already beaten his girlfriend and taken a stranglehold on her so she lost consciousness.

the judicial process ended up being delayed for three weeks, so the defendants and several of the witnesses can get the assistance of an interpreter.