“Bolsonaro: All unpunished be able to bear arms”

“Brazil’s president-elect Jair Bolsonaro want to light on the country’s gun laws. A decree is to be expected when he is sworn in on the record.”

“Before his election victory promised högerkandidaten Jair Bolsonaro to relax vapenlagarna. Today, there are several bureaucratic and legal obstacles for those who want to buy guns in Brazil. The last few years, the violence has skyrocketed in the country and Bolsonaros message has gone home among the brazilian who believe they need weapons for self-defense.”

“The brazilian dealer Taurus Armas share has climbed by 88 per cent during the year, at the side of the opinion polls which suggested a Bolsonaroseger.”

“Exactly how the prospective president’s proposed decree will look like is still unclear.”