Also on the Golf course, Trump it takes with the truth, apparently, is not so exactly. He tricking, cheating and even win tournaments, it doesn’t exist. So it is, at least in a new book about him.

His ancestors came not from Germany, said Trump once in a Conviction. He never had something to do with the porn actress Stormy Daniels. And Connections to Russia in the election campaign? Excluded!

The Name Trump is not necessarily for honesty and integrity. Quite the contrary: The American President is not known for he takes it with the truth. And the same is probably true for his favorite pastime.

Almost every weekend of the U.S. President leaves the White house and flies in his Florida home Mar-A-Lago – also, to play Golf there. And it is an open secret that he moves, too, like in the right light. “Commander in Cheat – how Golf explains Trump” is the name of a book by sports journalist Rick Reilly, is now available. The German title would be declared in about are “Top – scammers-such as Golf Trump”.