According to the poll, which Norstat has made for NRK and Aftenposten , could the Labour party formed the government with the SV and the centre party – without the support from the Red or Miljøpartiet De Green.

Total would the three present coalition parties received 88 mandates if the poll had been valgresultat, three more than needed to secure a majority in Parliament.

Ap, and the Right is near the jevnstore in the poll after a progress of 2.3 percentage points 27.0 for the Right and a fall of 2.4 percentage points to 27.3 per cent for Ap.

Also, the progress party and the centre party is jevnstore in this measurement. Frp fall 0.9 percentage points to 12.2 per cent, while the Sp goes up to 0.7 percentage points to 12.1 per cent.

Left is measured at 3.1 percent after progress of 0.3 percentage points from December, while the Sector will get 3.7 per cent (to+ 0.5). It would have given three stortingsrepresentanter for the Progress and two to the Left.

SV stand at 7.4 per cent (+0,4), Red is unchanged at 3.3 per cent and MDG falls 0.4 percentage points to 2.4 per cent.

Form the red network in His Hareide at the meeting