“Brännskadad man dead after explosion in apartment buildings”

“on Saturday night, there was an explosion in Gislaved municipality.”

“Two men were taken to the hospital – now has a 25-year-old man died of injuries suffered.”

“He is suspected to have caused the explosion. “

“It was on Saturday evening that an explosion occurred in an apartment block in Gislaved municipality. In connection with the explosion began to burn in the building. “

“– When we arrive is two damaged. One of them have very severe burns. According to the information I have received is in a critical state for the burn victims, said Johan Rönmark, deputy räddningschef at the emergency services in Gislaved, in the Saturday.”

“Now tells the police that the man in 25 years old, who was taken to hospital with burns has died of his injuries. The relatives are informed.”

“The 25-year-old man was arrested by the police on suspicion of having caused the fire. But the police did not interrogate him before he died. The explosion has been investigated as allmänfarlig destruction. “

“There are no other suspects, write police on his website. “

“Forensic specialists have examined the apartment where the explosion occurred.”